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Parent-Student Handbook

Longfields Pledge

Society will draw a circle that shuts me out,
but my superior thoughts will draw me in.
I was born to succeed to be the future of society.
Education is important
and not gained by playing games.
I will do my best this year, because I cannot accept anything less.
To be successful, I must respect myself and others.
I must actively listen at all times,
focus on all tasks placed before me,
complete all assignments, and study diligently.
I will be ready for anything,
because I will be organized and prepared at all times.
I can learn, I must learn, I will learn!
I will be successful!!!
It is my destiny!!!

Written by Mrs. Evangerline Haynes


Longfields Elementary School’s (LES) vision is to provide a caring and academically challenging community for all students.  It is our goal to prepare our scholars utilizing data, various technology platforms,  and a variety of current research & evidence-based techniques to be college and career ready with the core values of preparedness, respect, integrity, determination, and excellence.  We envision providing a broad array of educational opportunities and effective support systems that enable students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens in a changing society.


Our mission is for all Longfields’ Staff to be reflective, data-driven practitioners who work collaboratively to infuse technology & literacy in all content areas as students are engaged in diverse experiences. Students will be challenged to reach their potential, and engage in technical and critical thinking based activities that require problem-solving, reasoning and use academic knowledge and skills inside and outside the classroom.

Longfields Elementary is a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) school. We are working to implement a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavioral support for students. Please encourage your child to always “LEAP” for Excellence to earn bucks, which can be used in the school store.