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School Visitation

Classroom visits or conferences must be arranged in advance through the teacher or school administrator. This may be done by letter, dojo, email or telephone. Arrangements should include the day, time, length of time, and what the visitor would like to see. Parents MAY NOT confer with the teacher at the beginning of the day, as teacher planning and/or instruction has begun and parents will NOT BE PERMITTED TO WALK THEIR CHILD TO CLASS. This is due to new county policies that must be enforced. Please email your child’s teacher with your immediate questions.

Visitors, upon arrival at school, should report to the main office and must show their state-issued ID before going to any area in the building. Parents and other visitors will be given a pass if prior arrangements have been made. If a parent should go to a class without the pass saying, “Visitor,” they will be requested to return to the office for the pass.

In visiting classrooms, care should be taken not to interrupt the work of teaching. THIS INCLUDES VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS/ACTIVITIES. Conferences with the teacher are not to take place between 7:15 A.M. - 1:45 P.M. or while the teacher has charge of a group of students. Visitors should keep in mind that extra people in the classroom constitute a departure from the normal situation and care must be exercised to preserve, as much as possible, the normalcy which must prevail if pupils are to do their best work. Additionally, please avoid using your cell phone inside of the school building. Parents and/or visitors are not permitted to walk students to the classroom upon arrival unless the student is in pre-kindergarten. This is to ensure that classroom instruction is not interrupted and to maintain the safety of all school stakeholders.