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Cell Phone (PED) Policy for Students

PGCPS values the use of technology as an important tool to enhance the educational environment and encourage student innovation. Students are allowed to possess a portable electronic device (PED (ie. cell phones, tablets, smart watches, etc.) while on school property. However, it is a violation of the PGCPS Code of Student Conduct to use such devices in a manner that will disrupt the school environment or impact the safe operation of the school bus. Parents, we ask that you refrain from texting your child during school hours. If contact is needed, please call the school so arrangements can be made for you to speak directly with your child.

At Longfields, students specifically do not have permission to use cell phones. These devices must be turned off and be stored in the student’s backpack. If a student uses the cell phone without permission, or refuses to comply with a reasonable request by authorized school personnel, including school bus drivers, to turn off or store cell phones, the student will be referred to the school principal for an appropriate response. Principals may confiscate cell phones until the student’s parent/guardian comes to the school to retrieve it.

Guidelines for the acceptable use of PEDs are continued in Administrative Procedure 5132.