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Dismissal Procedures

Regular Dismissal

Dismissal begins at 1:55 P.M. The order in which students are dismissed from school are as follows: bus/van riders, after-school activity participants, Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten walkers/car riders, Grade 1/Grade 2 walkers/car riders, Grade 3/Grade 4 walkers/car riders, and Grade 5/Grade 6 walkers/car riders. All walkers/car riders will be dismissed to the black top to the left of the school through the EXIT 8 doors. Late parent pick-ups (NO LATER THAN 1:30PM) will occur in the main office and identification will be required, in which court orders and legal documentation will be accessed and applied if applicable. The main office manages all legal documentation. Action will be taken for consecutive late parent pick-ups, so please pick up students on time.

Students participating in extracurricular activities will be directed to report to specific rooms within the building that will be supervised by specific staff members. Van riders are dismissed to the cafeteria until the van provider signs the students out, while bus riders report to outside bus posts (under the intermediate canopy and supervised by staff members).

We ask that ALL parents pick students/walkers up from the blacktop and NOT from within or in front of the building. If there is inclement weather, student/walker pick up will occur from the gym. Access to the gym ONLY will be through EXIT 8 (the doors closest to the dismissal blacktop).

Erica Bair, Marites Jomuad, Bonnie Schlorb and Keesha Singletary, are our transportation/bus contacts. Ms. Schlorb (Arrival) is located outside for arrival under the first canopy entrance as you travel from Lakehurst Avenue. Chaquita Taylor is located in the front office and has access to the school’s master list for bus riders. If you have any questions regarding bus routes and/or stops, please contact Ms. Taylor at 301-817-0455, who will be able to support you further. April Walton is the Special Education Chair. If a student is in need of support and/or accommodations, as it relates to any reason, including transportation needs, speak with Ms. Walton at 301-817-0455.


Students profit from regular school attendance with as few interruptions as possible. If an early dismissal from school is necessary, permission will be granted only upon request of the parent. The written request should be given to the teacher as soon as the child arrives at school. Parents are required to report to the office at the time of dismissal in order to sign the student out. If you have arranged for another person to pick up your child, you must provide written authorization, which includes your proper identification. In an emergency situation, when parents must phone the school to request an early dismissal, calls must be made by 1:15 P.M. and parent arrival no later than 1:30 P.M. If parent arrival is after 1:30 P.M., then the parent will have to wait for the regular dismissal period on the dismissal blacktop (NOT IN THE BUILDING).