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Technology Guide

 “Our mission is to integrate technology as a part of the educational program for our students to improve learning and enhance engagement within the classroom.


Longfields Elementary School will refer to the student device agreement form for determining costs associated with repairs/replacements:

In the case of damage, Longfields ES will charge a flat fee of $40 for the first repair.  Any repair needed after that will incur the full replacement cost ($200). 

The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to heavy objects, rough treatment, some cleaning solvents, other liquids, etc. Screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure (heavy items on top of the Chromebook, earbuds or a pen or pencil left in the Chromebook, etc.)

  • Do not store the Chromebook with the screen left open (lid up)
  • Do not place anything on the outside that will press against the cover
  • Make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, earbuds, etc.)

Students are expected to bring their charged, school-issued device/charger to school everyday.


Who Gets a(n) Device 

All enrolled Longfields ES students can receive either a chromebook or ipad from LES. This is as long as the student does not currently have a chromebook assigned to them through our tracking system (ASSET MANAGEMENT). 

Chromebook VS. IPAD

Prekindergarten  students are only eligible to receive an iPad with charger.

Grades K-6 students are only eligible to receive a Chromebook with a charger.


Every student in grades Pre-k- 6th will be issued a Chromebook, power adapter for educational use in school and at home before the first day of school. In order to receive the chromebook or iPad, a Student Device Usage Agreement form must be completed. 

We will be emailing all parents a copy of their signed agreement for SY23.

Returning the Device 

Any student who transfers out of the county, withdraws will be required to return his/her Chrome- book/iPad, and accessories before withdrawing or transferring out of PGCPS. 

Failure to turn in the Chromebook to the Office on the last day of attendance will result in the student being charged the full replacement cost by PGCPS.

Care Of the chromebook

Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook/ ipad they have been issued by the school. Chromebooks/iPads that are broken or fail to work properly must be reported to Ms.Taylor or Ms. Bell as soon as possible so that they can be taken care of properly. The Chromebook/iPad should NEVER be taken to an outside computer service for any type of repairs or maintenance.

General Precautions

  • Students are expected to use the device and accessories provided in a responsible manner.
  • No food or drinks should be near the device.
  • Cords, cables, removable storage and headphones should be carefully inserted into the device.
  • Devices should not be used or stored near pets, water or any other liquid, food, potential weather hazards (rain/snow/sun), or left in vehicles where the device can be stolen and/or where there may be extreme cold and heat.
  • Objects should never be placed on top of your device.
  • Devices are NOT to be taken inside the restroom or locker room. Leave the device on your desk and pick it up after lunch, recess, specials, etc. Never swap or share your device with another student. You are solely responsible for your assigned device. NEVER SHARE LOGINS/PASSWORDS WITH ANY STUDENT.
  • Students are not allowed to download or install any software or other materials. Devices should only be used while on a flat and stable surface.
  • Keep the device secured or attended to at all times.
  • It is recommended that charging is done at home. 
  • Students are not to record video or audio without the permission of the teacher and when doing so, it must be for educational purposes.

Transporting Devices

  • Do not leave headphones plugged in and inside the Chromebook when closing it as this may cause the screen to break.
  • Never pick up the Chromebook with the screen open. 
  • Never leave the computer/Ipad in your car.
  • Students are liable for all damages and theft.

Proper Device Storage

School-issued devices may not be used in the cafeteria during lunch. They should be locked in the classroom.

Students attending or participating in physical education class and/or extra curricular activities should leave their device in a specified place within the classroom. 

When students are not monitoring their devices, they should be stored. Nothing should be placed on top of the device when stored.

Chromebooks/Ipads should never be stored in a vehicle.

Under no circumstances should any school issued device be stored in unsupervised areas. Unsupervised areas might include the school cafeteria, unlocked classrooms, library, hallways, bathrooms, etc.

Unsupervised devices will be confiscated by staff and taken to the Principal’s office.

Screen care

The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to heavy objects, rough treatment, some cleaning solvents, other liquids, etc. Screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure (heavy items on top of the Chromebook, earbuds or a pen or pencil left in the Chromebook, etc.)

  • Do not store the Chromebook with the screen left open (lid up)
  • Do not place anything on the outside that will press against the cover
  • Make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, earbuds, etc.)
  • Only clean the screen with soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.


All devices will be labeled with a barcode. Barcode Labels may not be modified or tampered with in any way.

Damages and Repairs 

Repair/Replacement Costs

Longfields Elementary School will refer to the student device agreement form for determining costs associated with repairs/replacements:

In the case of damage Longfields ES will charge a flat fee of $30 for the first repair. Any repair needed after that will incur the full replacement cost. 

Longfields ES will charge the student the costs of replacing any lost or damaged chargers. ($30 flat fee)

If it is determined that damages occurred by intentional misuse or abuse, the school may request a meeting with the student’s parents or legal guardians before loaning out a(n) new device. 

Steps for Requesting a Replacement Device or Repair

Students who need to have their device repaired or replaced should fill out the Technology Repair Form. This form can be found on our school’s website and must be completed prior to receiving a new or repaired device. This is how we will track and monitor our devices this school year. Technology Repair Form

Students/ Parents will be notified when their Chromebook has been repaired. Repaired Chromebooks can be picked up at the Front Office per the notification.

A repaired Chromebook may need to be restored to its original settings. Locally stored files may not be able to be recovered.

Students are prohibited from disabling, modifying, circumventing or altering management settings or content filters.

When are repairs done?

Technology Repairs will be done after school 2pm-3pm, Monday-Fridays. 

Content  Keeper

PGCPS utilizes an Internet Content filter that is in compliance with the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). All devices, regardless of physical location (in or out of school) and Internet connection will have Internet activity filtered. Despite the filter, the District cannot guarantee that all controversial or inappropriate materials will be blocked...

School-issued devices should be used for educational purposes. Students are to adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy and all of its corresponding administrative procedures at all times.

Using your Device at school

Your Device is intended for use at school everyday. In addition to teacher expectations for proper Chromebook/ipad use, students may be asked to access school messages, announcements, calendars, handbooks and grades using their device. Students are expected to bring a fully charged Chromebook/ipad to school every day and bring the Chromebook/ipad to all classes unless told otherwise. Students who fail to bring their device to school are responsible for getting the coursework completed as if the device were present.

Inappropriate Use

Inappropriate media may not be used as Chromebook backgrounds or themes. The use of any inappropriate media will result in disciplinary action.

Good Digital Citizens

Longfields Elementary School expects all of its students to conduct themselves as good digital citizens. 

This can be achieved by always remembering to:

  1. Respecting Yourself – Show respect through your actions. Select online names that are appropriate. Use caution with the information, images, and other media that is posted online. Carefully consider the personal information you share about yourself.
  2. Protecting Yourself – Ensure that the information, images, and materials posted online will not put you at risk. Do not publish personal details, con- tact details, or personal activity schedules. Immediately report any inap- propriate behavior directed at you while online. Protect your passwords, accounts, and resources. Never share this information with others.
  3. Respecting Others – Show respect to others. Do not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass, or stalk people.
  4. Protecting Others – Protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. Avoid unacceptable materials and conversations.