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Welcome to John Hanson Montessori!  

The early to middle school years are an important and critical time for students. What occurs during these years will have a lasting impression on growth and development. Our goal is to provide support to every teacher and to enable each student to reach their full potential. We are confident that our school will continue to be a place where daily our students feel loved, supported, challenged, and grow academically and socially.

Parent & Student Information

  • Mandatory Dress Code:
    • JHMS does not have a school uniform policy; however, students are expected to adhere to the PGCPS dress code which is posted on the school’s website.
  • Schedules:
    • Parents and students will be able to access student schedules and/or teachers in Schoolmax prior to the first day of school. It is suggested that parents do this prior to August 28, 2023; this will assist students with knowing the location of their classroom. Middle school students will receive a printed copy of their schedule on their first day of school.
  • School Supplies:
    • The general 2023-24 School Supply list for each grade level is posted on the website; the primary list is included. Please note, it is no longer mandatory for all PGCPS secondary level students (grades 6th through 8th) to carry a clear backpack; however, it is highly recommended.
  • Bus Transportation:
    • Bus routing is computerized. Go to for bus information. You will receive a letter from the Transportation Department indicating students’ a.m. and p.m. routes with stops and times. Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than their assigned route. Please note that there is a bus driver shortage; please be patient during the first few weeks of school if your child’s bus arrives later than scheduled.
  • Free and Reduced Lunch:
    • Free and reduced lunch applications will be available the first week of school. If your child qualifies,have him/her return the completed form to the main office,or the form may be mailed directly to the Department of Food Services. If an electronic process is made available, you will be notified. Breakfast and lunch will not be provided free of charge for all students this school year. Please ensure that you are depositing funds in your child’s School Bucks account if needed to purchase breakfast and/or lunch.
  • PGCPS-Issued Chromebooks:
    • Students will retain their Chromebook until further notice. Only students who are with drawing from PGCPS are required to return their PGCPS-issued Chromebook. Therefore, only if a student is no longer attending any school in PGCPS will he/she return their Chromebook. Students entering first grade with an IPad will be transitioned to using a Chromebook during the first month of school. Further information about this process will be forth coming.
  • Cellular/Electronic Devices:
    • It is highly recommended that students refrain from bringing cellular/electronic portable devices to school to avoid possible distractions in the learning environment. Students who choose to bring cellular and electronic devices to school must power them off prior to entering the school building; in addition, the device must be out of sight during the entire instructional day. Students who do not comply with the policies and procedures, will receive consequences outlined in the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook.


John Hanson Montessori has and continues to exceeds my expectations. My son is doing an outstanding job and is even learning how to read, as a 3 year old. His teachers (Ms. Tuano and Ms. Avery) are great and partner with me in educating my child.

... JHMS parent

I wrote an Rating of 5/5 APPLES - informing readers of email that stated: " I am a TRUE BELIEVER of the program at this school; because they provide a warm, loving environment where your child can feel comfortable and safe. They encourage children to discover new knowledge, to create and work out relationships with others; therefore, openly allowing their students (with guidance) to express and acquire new skills and interests with one another !!! The teachers at this school "Primary Goal" is Caring For The Children.

...SWB JHMS Parent

The PTSA at John Hanson is outstanding. The teachers are committed to providing a quality education here in the southern part of Prince George's county. Parental involvement, talented students, school board funding, caring teachers, community support and diligent administrators are key to helping our Eagles soar!

...VMM JHMS Parent

The Montessori method of learning teaches children to be analytical and independent thinkers, lovers of learning and highly self-motivated. John Hanson as one of only a handle of public Montessori schools in our nation embodies Dr. Maria Montessori teaching methodology and yet balances the rigors of required state testing for a public school. Our students excel on every level: academics, arts, instrumental, sports, and languages. We're proud to be eagles.

... JHMS Staff and Parent

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