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What are the student drop off and pick up times?

  • Regular drop off hours are 8:45 am until 9:15 am and pick up times are 3:45 pm until 4:15 pm.  Early pick up is before 3:00 PM.
    Students in the JHM AlphaBest program can be dropped off from 7-8:40; dismissal from AlphaBest is from 3:50-6:00 PM.  AlphaBest families should use the rear side entrance (bell and schedule are posted)

Who are the teachers and how do they communicate with the parents and administration?

  • All of our Elementary teachers hold Maryland teaching credentials and Montessori training. Teachers plan collaboratively, discuss student work, assessment results, and share ideas at bimonthly meetings. As a team, informed decisions are created that ultimately improve instruction. Information is communicated to staff in a variety of ways, including staff meetings, collaborative planning meetings, JHMS Google site, and email. The School Based Management Team meets biweekly on Wednesdays. For more information about our teachers, paraprofessionals, and staff, please contact the main office (301) 749-4052.

What is the JHMS attendance rate?

  • Our attendance has been consistently 96% and above. We will continue to implement and encourage effective home-school communication as well as parental involvement in support of high attendance.

How often are parent/teacher conferences?

  • Parent-teacher conferences are held once per semester, but you can schedule additional meetings with your child’s teacher at any time. Please remember that during the school day the teachers need to keep their focus on the children, so if you would like to speak to them or have questions for them you should leave them a note in your child's folder or send an e-mail to the teacher. They will be happy to get back to you at their earliest convenience.

Where can I see a list of school related events?

  • Events are publicized in several different ways. Check "Announcements" of this website for listings. Announcements are also in the red folders that your child may bring them home.

What are after school care times?

  • JHMS offers an after-school program, AlphaBest, on-site from 3:50 -5:45pm. The program  follows the PGCPS calendar. The program is not Montessori. Families must enroll in the program and may pay a fee.  Online payments for after care may be made using the Pay Pams system.

When do new students and families meet the teachers?

  • New Student Orientation, Back to School Night, and by appointment.

When are school tours held?

  • Tours are held by appointment only, please call the main office (301) 749-4052 to schedule a tour.

Can I visit my child's classroom?

  • To keep our community safe and healthy, classroom visits are conducted virtually by families. Please contact your child's teacher to arrange a brief virtual visitation session. 

Where do I pick up my child from carpool?

  • Carpool pick up is at the rear entrance to the building, near the gym.  Photo identification is needed each time when picking up a scholar. Teachers and staff are  on duty to dismiss your child between 3:50 pm and 4:15 pm.

How do I drop off and pick up my child?

  • General parking in the area is limited, and caregivers are asked to park at the back of school, especially morning and afternoon hours, so that the school buses may get in and out. Please do not block the fire lanes, and respect Reserved spaces. Please allow plenty of time for drop off so that your child is on time for the start of their morning work period.  Late arrivals are scholars who arrive after 9:15; please go to the  main office for a late pass. 

What are some features of the school location?

  • We have a library, media center, art studio, band room, music center, two playgrounds and a Peace Garden, which has become the JHM Outdoor Classroom.

I’m a parent. How can I get involved?

  • We’re glad you asked! Learn more about how to get involved in the JHMS PTSA. We welcome your input.

Can I go with my child's class on a field trip?

  • Yes. PGCPS requires fingerprinting before attending a field trip. The PGCPS fingerprinting office is in Upper Marlboro, MD. Please consult the PGCPS fingerprinting website for additional information. Annual fingerprinting may be offered on-site at JHMS.

What is the difference between Montessori and traditional education?

  • Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classes learn at their own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities from hundreds of possibilities. Learning is an exciting process of discovery, leading to concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning. Montessori classes place children in three-year age groups (3-6, 6-9, 9-12) forming communities in which the older children spontaneously share their knowledge with the younger ones. Montessori represents an entirely different approach to education.

How do I learn more about PGCPS school Transportation?

Do you have tips for acquainting my child with their school bus route?

  • Before the school year begins, you and your child visit the arranged bus pick-up location. Be sure your child knows the safest way to the exact location where the bus will stop. When taking your child to the bus stop on the first day, it is important to be at the pick-up location at least ten minutes early. Your child should know the route number and the name of this year's school. This will insure that your child will board the correct bus. Each bus will have a sign located on the side of the bus in the second window on the door side for your convenience. You and your child should become familiar with your bus driver, but be aware that a different driver may substitute when needed. PG County School buses are equipped with emergency communication equipment and camera for safety. The bus system is equipped with GPS.

How can I apply for a position at JHMS?

How does the JHMS Curriculum line up with the Maryland State Curriculum?

  • Curriculum alignment documents for PGCPS are located online. See the following links Language, Math, and Social Studies.
    • Gr. 4-6 Language Arts
    • Gr. 4-6 Mathematics
    • Gr. 4-6 Social Studies

How does JHMS maintain a peaceful environment?

  • The Montessori curriculum includes activities to create a peaceful environment. There is also a School Code that is enforced to help students with the importance of the decisions that they make. There are cameras throughout the building to monitor students and visitors to the building. A Security Counselor is available to monitor the cameras and to walk the building and grounds to alert administration of issues that might arise. The Professional School Counselor, Parent Liaison are also available to help students who challenge the safe and orderly environment that we are trying to maintain.

What are your school visitation procedures?

  • All visitors are expected to sign in at the Security Desk or at the main office and obtain a Visitor’s Pass before going to classrooms. You will need your ID with you. The secretaries are conscientious about requesting current identification before allowing visitors to walk the building.

Who was John Hanson?

  • John Hanson (April 14, 1721 – November 22, 1783) was a merchant and the first President of the Constitutional Congress that voted for George Washington to lead the American Revolution.  John Hanson Montessori sits on property that was once part of John Hanson's farm. Click here for an Online Article on John Hanson's Story