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Principal's Welcome Letter

August 12, 2024

Dear JHMS Families:

I am hopeful that you have truly enjoyed a summer of work, study, and relaxation. As children learn best when parents are engaged in their education, we encourage you to be involved in your child’s education as much as possible by attending school functions/meetings, volunteering, and scheduling visits to your child’s classes.

As I enter into my 28th year as an educator in Prince George’s County, I am excited to serve as the Principal of the BEST Montessori school in the world! I am filled with excitement and great anticipation to continue this journey with you and more importantly, our JHMS students.

I have been fortunate to earn my credentials as a Certified Montessori School Leader through The Center for Guided Montessori Studies. It was an intense 16 months program, but it was well worth it. My learning and training have broadened my understanding of the Montessori philosophy, values and standards. Montessori is for ALL! It is our responsibility to ensure that we work together to help ALL of our Hanson Soaring Eagles obtain and reach good success and academic achievement.

John Hanson Montessori is a GREAT school, and we will settle for nothing less than our best for our students. This year we want to ensure that all students know that they BELONG in John Hanson Montessori. Celebrating, honoring and learning about the rich diversity within our school community is critically important as we prepare our students to thrive in a very diverse and global society. We are a HANSON family - where Community is Important; Collaboration is Essential; Care is our Priority. It is from this perspective that I plan to continue to lead our school, faculty, staff and students.

As we begin to prepare for the upcoming 2024-2025 School year, please note the following:

Friday, August 23, 2024: John Hanson Montessori’s New Primary student orientation. PreK-3 and New PreK-4 families are invited to meet in the cafeteria at 10:30 am for pertinent information regarding school procedures.

Friday, August 23, 2024: The Systemic Student Orientation for all new students will occur. Former 5th grade students transitioning to 6th grade will attend; further details will be provided.

Monday, August 26, 2024 —First day of School for all JHMS students. FULL DAY IN-PERSON instruction will begin with Homeroom class at 9:30 a.m., and the school day will end at 4:10 p.m. It is ritically important that students are on time everyday of the school year.

Please note our NEW SCHOOL HOURS: 9:30 am - 4:10 pm. Students may arrive at school beginning at 9:00 am. Students will not be allowed into the building prior to 9:00 am unless they are in the before care program.

 Beginning this school year, PreK3 students will begin school on the official first day of school, Monday, August 26, 2024. However, in order to create a smooth beginning for our newest students, we are requesting our PreK3 students to report to school at 10:15 am. on August 26, 2024. Parents/Guardians of these students will receive additional information regarding this “one and only time adjustment”.

 Back to School Nights (B2SN)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 (6:30 pm) - Grades PreK3 - 3rd.

Wednesday, Thursday, September 19, 2024 (6:30 pm) - Grades 4-8.

During our B2SN events, families will be given the opportunity to meet their child’s teachers and visit classrooms. In addition, families will be introduced to our Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA) officers/community. Additional information will be provided prior to these events.

Mandatory Dress Code: JHMS does not have a school uniform policy; however, students are expected to adhere to the PGCPS dress code which is posted on the school’s website.

Schedules: Parents and students will be able to access student schedules and/or teachers in Synergy prior to the first day of school. It is suggested that parents do this prior to August 26, 2024; this will assist students with knowing the location of their classroom. Middle school students will receive a printed copy of their schedule on their first day of school.

SYNERGY: Synergy is our new school/student/parent electronic portal which has replaced SchoolMAX. It is imperative that all families register into ParentVUE which is the parent portal in Synergy. Electronic messages sent to families will be through ParentVUE. Thus, families who are not registered, will not receive these messages. In addition, it will be the families responsibility to update their personal information in Synergy if changes occur during the school year.

If you have not registered, please go to and search for ParentVUE; you will be directed to the ParentVUE Support for Parents.


 School Supplies: The general 2024-2025 School Supply list for each grade level is posted on the website; the primary list is included. Please anticipate specific school supply lists from individual teachers for students upon their return to school.

 Bus Transportation: Bus routing is computerized. Go to for bus information. You will receive a letter from the Transportation Department indicating students’ a.m. and p.m. routes with stops and times. Students are not permitted to ride any bus other than their assigned route. Please note that there is a bus driver shortage; please be patient during the first few weeks of school if your child’s bus arrives later than scheduled.

Free and Reduced Lunch: Free and reduced lunch applications will be available the first week of school. If your child qualifies, have him/her return the completed form to the main office, or the form may be mailed directly to the Department of Food Services. If an electronic process is made available, you will be notified.

If applicable, please ensure that you are depositing funds in your child’s School Bucks account if needed to purchase breakfast and/or lunch.

PGCPS-Issued Chromebooks: The use of PGCPS-Issued Chromebooks will continue during various classroom lessons; however, students will not be issued a Chromebook to remain with them throughout the school year. Students who may need a device to complete homework assignments and/or projects will be given the opportunity to “check out” a Chromebook or given the opportunity to complete the assignment in school. The “check out” process will be explained to students and families.

Cellular/ElectronicDevices: It is highly recommended that students refrain from bringing cellular/electronic portable devices to school to avoid possible distractions in the learning environment. Students who choose to bring cellular and electronic devices to school must power them off prior to entering the school building; in addition, the device must be out of sight during the entire instructional day. Students who do not comply with the policies and procedures, will receive consequences outlined in the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook.

 Please note it is not the school’s personnel responsibility to search for lost cellular and/or electronic devices. We will gladly provide assistance to the best of our ability as time permits. Thus it is very important that students understand the importance of securing and maintaining their devices and not allowing their peers access to them.

 Lastly, you are welcome to join me on zoom Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 6 pm for a virtual gathering prior to the first day of school. The zoom information will be posted on the school’s website prior to the event. This is not mandatory; just an opportunity to “see” one another before the real fun begins!!!

On behalf of the administration, faculty, and staff of John Hanson Montessori School, we welcome you and yours as we embark on a global educational experience. We look forward to all stakeholders working together, so our students may reach their destination of GREATNESS!

Please  feel  free  to  contact  me with any inquiries or concerns; my email address is

Cou tne M . Kin
Courtney M. King, Principal