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Mission Statement

JH Mission Statement.gif"The greatest success of the teacher is that the child does not even notice that she is around, and that the children acquire their knowledge by themselves" ~Maria Montessori







Our goal is to provide a peaceful, ordered environment, through the effective implementation of Montessori philosophy, principles, and practices, which nurtures the development of self-motivated, self-confident, independent learners who are college and career ready.

About Us

John Hanson Montessori is a specialty school that features a unique program, the John Hanson Montessori Program.  This program is extremely dedicated to helping children learn in an enriching environment that encourages individual growth through methods developed by Dr. Maria Montessori.  In this enriched environment, students become self- motivated, independent learners who demonstrate respect for themselves, others and their environment.


John Hanson Montessori is a member of the American Montessori Society.    

Most of students were admitted to the program through the lottery process, which is held by the school system each year; others were admitted who had proven Montessori experience from the year prior to entering. The latter group was also only admitted if there was space availability at their entry level. 

Admission to the program begins at ages three or four. Students usually remain the program through 8th grade.

Montessori Grades and Classes:

In keeping with Dr. Montessori’s emphasis on the importance of collaboration an peer mentoring, JHM features:

  • Eight Primary (grades PK-K) , six Lower Elementary (grades 1-3), three Upper Elementary  (grades 4-5), and three content classroom teachers for the Middle School (grades 6-8). 

Highly Qualified Educators 

John Hanson Montessori teachers and staff are uniquely highly qualified educators. JHM  has teachers to support individualized learning and creative arts, including a dedicated Special Educator who works closely with teaching staff and school administrators as well as Vocal and Instrumental Music, Physical Education, Spanish, Library-Media and Technology instruction,  Visual arts faculty. ·     In addition to Montessori training, teachers are expected to be certified by the state. All of the Montessori teachers have Standard or Advance Professional Certificates issued by the state of Maryland.

  • The school met Adequate Yearly Progress on the Maryland School Performance Tests (MSA), and the middle school Algebra students all passed the High School Assessment.

The JHM Community

  • Student Demographics: 90% are African American, 4% are Asian, 3% Hispanic, 2% white, and 1% Native Americans.
  • Students are transported via one of the 30 buses that bring students to the school. Three year olds are half day students and do not ride the buses.

What are the JHMS Major Strategies for Increased Achievement?

  1. In order to significantly improve teacher communication of grade level expectations across grade levels:
    1. Vertical planning will take place quarterly
    2. Collaborative Planning
    3. Innovative uses of new technologies for communication
  2. In order to significantly improve the students’ understanding of STEM
    1. Students will use experiments to expand ideas
    2. Teachers will model appropriate use of related terminology
    3. Academic language, research methodologies, and data analysis are at the heart of instruction across the curriculum.
  3. In order to significantly improve parent involvement in school sponsored activities
    1. Parent Night for fingerprinting
    2. Increase home/school communication through newsletters, email, call-outs
  4. In order to significantly improve student fluency in number relationships and computations
    1. Students will peer teach use of stamp game, binomial and trinomial cubes
    2. Teachers will continue to use Montessori manipulatives, including stamp game, binomial cubes, etc.
    3. Study Island