All cell phones and personal electronic devices (PEDs) must be POWERED OFF AND PUT AWAY during the school day.
Scholars may not listen to music, text, make phone calls, play games, take photos/videos or post to social media at school.
Scholars may use cellphones/PEDs on the school bus, except when entering or exiting the bus, as long as it does not cause a disruption. Scholars may not take pictures or videos on the school bus.
Devices WILL be confiscated for violating this policy. Confiscated items must be picked up by a parent or a legal guardian. Continued violations will result in disciplinary actions.
Failure to hand over a device when requested to do so by an administrator or security personnel WILL result in immediate disciplinary actions.
Scholars assume full responsibility for their cellphone/PEDs. The school system may not assume liability for theft, loss, damage or unauthorized use of PEDs possessed by students on school property.
MAFI Cellphone/ PEDs policy is in accordance with PGCPS