"Maya Angelou French Immersion is committed in creating a multilingual atmosphere of excellence by focusing on our children, one student at a time. It is our goal to promote life-long learning through a challenging, balanced, diverse, compassionate, and positive academic environment that prepares our students for college and beyond".
To ensure that all students acquire knowledge and skills, through speaking, reading and writing the French language, that will enable them to become productive citizens and life-long learners. This will be accomplished through the creation of an orderly, safe, motivating and challenging environment. Students' progress will be constantly monitored with appropriate instructional adjustments made to programs. Parent and community involvement will be cultivated and encouraged.
All students at Maya Angelou French Immersion School will become confident, responsible, capable learners when an atmosphere rich in culture, motivating activities, creativity, and organization is provided. We believe that an inviting learning environment, offered through the French language, will be conducive to students developing independent thinking skills, acquiring knowledge, becoming productive citizens, and realizing their full potentials.