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About Us

School Info


2000 Callaway Street, Temple Hills, MD 20748

Hours and Attendance

8:30am- 3:10pm

School Day   

8:30am- 3:10pm

Office Hours

8:00am to 4:00pm

Office Staff

Mrs. Pamela Jameson - Principal’s Secretary
Ms. Teairre Williams – Guidance Secretary



Students may enter the building and proceed to their classrooms at approximately 8:05am. 

Children who wish to eat breakfast should proceed to the cafeteria promptly at 8:00am.

Classes start promptly at 8:30am

Students who do not ride a bus should not arrive at school prior to 8:00 am as we do not provide supervision. Please contact Before and After Care for alternative arrangements.


Late Arrivals

Students who arrive late for any reason (except a late bus) must be signed in by a parent to obtain an admission slip from the school office before going to class.


Early Dismissal

All Early Dismissals MUST occur by 2:40pm.

A parent must pick up and sign out children in the school office. No child will be picked up directly from  the classroom by a parent or a sibling. Also, if a child is returning to school from an appointment, he or she must sign in at the school office and obtain admission.

For excused absences during the day, such as for doctor or dental appointments, students are expected to bring a written note stating the times they are to be excused.


Carpool/Pick Up List

All calls to the office to put students on the carpool list MUST be received by 2:40 p.m.