Parent Resources
Important resources and helpful links for Kettering parents and guardians
Welcome to Kettering Elementary!
We are looking forward to a year of excellence. Through our school’s vision of Care, Respect, and Trust, our students will continue to grow by engaging in high quality academics and social/emotional learning. Parents, you are our partner and our students’ success depends on you ensuring that they complete assignments, eat a nutritious meal and get a good night's rest. With your continuous support, our students will definitely demonstrate growth.
During the 2022-2023 school year, we developed our Vision and Mission statement as a school community. Throughout this year, you will be asked to share your input on whether we are meeting our goals or if changes are needed. Provide your input using our form.
There are several methods to stay informed at Kettering. Please ensure that you have signed up. You can also retrieve these sites on the Kettering website as well.
Breakfast and lunch are free to all students at Kettering Elementary this school year. Breakfast is served from 7:20-7:45 a.m. daily. Students arriving after 7:45 a.m., who are not bus riders, must be fed prior to reporting to school.
PGCPS Environmental Office has tested our school for Lead in Drinking Water according to the Maryland Department of the Environment COMAR 26.16.07. These results indicate that the drinking sources that are currently working in our school are safe for consumption by staff and students. As a result of these findings bottled water delivery service will be discontinued for Kettering. Students may continue to bring a bottle of water to school.
Prince George’s County Public School is no longer using Schoolmax. All student information is now located in our Synergy Platform. In order to view attendance, schedules, grades, and reports, all parents must activate the ParentVUE account.
Per the PGCPS technology policy, chromebooks will remain at school and will no longer go home. However, in the event that chromebooks are required for county approved emergencies and/or virtual dates, students will receive a chromebook for home use and it must be returned the next school day. If it is damaged or not returned, there will be a fee that can go up to $200.00.
Kettering Elementary has a MANDATORY uniform policy. Many studies have shown that schools where students wear uniforms have significantly fewer discipline problems and student referrals. If students are allowed to be out of uniforms for any reason, parents will be notified. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
During afternoon dismissal, please have your ID available. The students will be dismissed from the following locations:
Walkers will be dismissed at 1:40 pm. Please note, there may be a delay with dismissal due to buses. Please be patient during the first week. Parents are not permitted in the classroom or building during dismissal. Also, regular dismissal does not occur at the front entrance for parents unless it is an Early Dismissal. Parking occurs on the street and lower parking lot.
Arrival time for students is 7:30 a. m. Please be aware that there is no adult supervision for students who arrive at Kettering before 7:30 a.m. and students will not be permitted to enter the building. Parents are responsible for the students until the doors open at 7:30 a.m. For safety reasons, please do not send the students to school early and leave them sitting outside. They will not be permitted into the building, this includes inclement weather.
Kettering Elementary School is the site of Alphabest Before/After Care Program, which provides care for students from 7:00 to 7:30 am and from 1:40 to 6:00 pm. If you are interested in learning more about the program please call Ms. Taylor at 240-209-0372 or click here.
If you have any questions regarding your assigned bus stop or times, please contact Transportation at 301-952-6570. Kettering does not assign buses, locations, or times. You may locate designated, comprehensive bus stops using the Infofinder tool by entering the home address to the Infofinder: For more information regarding transportation, please click on the Transportation Link.
PGCPS uses the StopFinder mobile app to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to view information about their child’s bus schedule and where a child’s bus is and to receive notifications about where the bus is. The StopFinder school bus app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Families must have an up-to-date email address in ParentVUE to activate the subscription. If a family's email address in ParentVUE is not current, the app will not work as the student schedule will not populate. Use this link for Stopfinder.
Student schedules are available in the ParentVUE.
Grade Level supply list can be accessed on Kettering’s Website.
Parent conferences and meetings will be held virtually unless you request an in-person meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher or an administrator via email. You may also contact the school and your message will be delivered to the appropriate staff member. We will respond within 48 hours of receiving the message.
To learn how you can become a certified volunteer or to begin the process online visit the PGCPS Volunteer page.
All birthday celebrations must be approved in advance. To ensure we are in compliance regarding student allergies and other health related concerns, outside foods are not permitted for distribution to other students. Birthday cakes/cupcakes and home created goodie bags are not permitted. Pizzas can be delivered to the school directly from the company only (arranged in advance). Families may not drop off pizza. You are permitted to send in a box of individually wrapped chips and sweet treats in the original box (such as hostess cakes). Items cannot be removed or separated. It must have the original seal. All celebrations must be pre-approved by the school. Please note, items not delivered in the required method will be returned.