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School Messages

Don’t Miss PGCPS Calls & Texts

In order to receive all important messages from PGCPS and C. Elizabeth Rieg parents and guardians should be registered for a ParenVUE Portal account. This ensures you will receive attendance messages and can also monitor your child's progress in school on a regular basis. School messages and PGCPS messages use your ParenVUE Portal information to send messages. You can also sign up for SchoolMessenger to receive texts related to inclement weather and school closings.

If you are not receiving text messages (such as inclement weather closings) you may need to update your information in ParenVUE. Parents should ensure all contact information including home, cell, and work phone numbers and email addresses are up to date in ParenVUE.

Contact Ms. Gabrielle @ or Ms. Samuels @ to update the following information:

  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Also, add PGCPS’ main number (675-87) as a contact in your phone to avoid our alerts being flagged as spam.

Communication Logs

Each student will be provided a communication book. The communication book is to be used daily by both the classroom teacher and parent(s) or guardian(s).  This will foster the home/school partnership.  Most importantly, daily written communication will assist with giving voice to our students!

Take-Home Folders

Students will bring home a folder with various information as provided. This concept is designed to provide parent(s) or guardian(s) with on-going updates regarding school activities and programs; community events and resources; and, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) information. Please review the materials and resources placed in your student's folder and return all requested content (where applicable) along with the folder to school the next day in your student's book bag.

Calls During School Hours

We encourage your participation and on-going communication with your student's classroom teacher. However, a message will be taken for all calls made during the instructional day. A phone message will be taken and forwarded to the appropriate party.  All phone messages will be returned within 48 hours, given that the individual called was present. Calls made for the guidance counselor, school nurse, or Principal, will be transferred provided their availability. Any messages received will be returned within 48 hours.

Email Communications

We encourage ongoing communication with your student's classroom teacher, specialist, and administrative team. E-mail communication is our main source of communication.  Please note that parent(s) and guardian(s) must provide written permission for our team to provide meeting notices, individual education plans etc. via email.

Rieg Family News

Be sure to look out for our “Rieg Family News”! Rieg Family News is a monthly on-line newsletter (generated directly within) where you can also find on-going updates regarding school activities, programs, community events, resources, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) information and more.