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State Law on Compulsory Attendance

According to Maryland law (7-301: Compulsory Attendance), every child between the ages of 5 and 17 must attend school. All children who will be 5 years old by September 1 of any given year must attend school in either a licensed private or public school Kindergarten that year. Maryland recognizes home instruction as an alternative to public school enrollment as a means of meeting the compulsory school attendance law (more on home schooling).

Exceptions to compulsory attendance for kindergarten-eligible students

For kindergarten-eligible students, state law allows for three exceptions to the attendance requirement: for immaturity; for attendance in a licensed child-care center; or for attendance in a registered family day-care home. Parents or guardians who want an exemption to the law for their kindergarten-eligible child must complete a Request for Waiver and submit it to the Office of Pupil Accounting.  Questions about this process should be directed to or 301-952-6300.

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