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Facilities Planning


The Planning team is responsible for the long-range, strategic vision to provide the students of Prince George's County with fully modernized and appropriately utilized educational facilities. This team works to produce and modify the Educational Facilities Master Plan (EFMP), which plans for the district’s facility needs for approximately the next 20 years, as well as the five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which is a budgeting tool for how the department will accomplish those goals in a five to six year period. Together these tools address future facility needs and to ensure all capital projects are optimally designed to enhance academic performance.

Planning Phases

When a project enters the planning stage there are certain milestones that occur. Education Specification Development of the specific education requirements of the building. Educational Specifications are the academic requirements of the built environment. For example, Ed Specs help to determine the number of spaces, size of spaces, and functions of spaces needed to support identified learning activities.


In feasibility, a study is conducted, which helps to analyze and determine what is possible and not possible from the proposed project plan.

Board Approval

The Planning team presents the findings of the feasibility study to the PGCPS School Board. The Board will vote to determine if the project moves forward with Planning Approval. View the current board members.

Community & Stakeholder Engagement

For major projects, such as a new school, a Project Planning Committee (PPC) is created. The Committee is a small group comprised of staff, parents, community members and other interest groups that help guide the design and follow the project through completion. 

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