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Capital Improvement Program (CIP)


The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is the plan of the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Education to fund capital projects during the fiscal year covered by the capital budget and the succeeding five fiscal years. Through the CIP, educational facilities are planned, designed, renovated, and constructed based on the prioritization of needs established in the Educational Facility Master Plan (EFMP).

Current Capital Improvement Program: FY 2026 - 2031

Board Approval Milestones FY 2026 - 2031 CIP   

Opportunities for Public Input

Members of the public and stakeholders are invited to attend and give formal testimony at the Board of Education meetings and public hearings.

The Capital Programs team is available to answer any questions or concerns emailed to  

CIP Timeline and Process

The proposed CIP is generally presented to the Board of Education at one of their first August meetings of the School Year (SY). The plan is initially introduced as a 'First Reader,' followed by a Public Hearing where community input can be heard. A 'Second Reader' is scheduled following the public hearing where the plan is scheduled for action by the Board. Once approved, the plan is forwarded to the County Council and the County Executive for funding review and to the State of Maryland. The County and the State review the plan's details in anticipation of approving capital funds in the Spring. During the review, community stakeholders have many opportunities to voice their opinions regarding the various capital projects contained in the plan.  

First Reader of CIP at Board of Education  August 
Public Hearing      September 
Second Reader of CIP at Board of Education September 
CIP Submitted to County Executive and Council October 
CIP Submitted to Maryland Interagency Commission (IAC) on School Construction October 
Governor Announces FY26 Capital Budget November
IAC Approved 75% of the FY26 Capital Budget December
County Government Public Hearing for Budget January
IAC Approves 90% of the FY26 Capital Budget  February
County Government Public Hearing for the Budget March
State Legislature Adopts Final Budget April
IAC Approves Projects in the FY26 CIP May
County Approves Final Budget May
IAC Releases the Adopted FY26 CIP June

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