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Commit to Sustainable Materials Management and Procurement

As part of the Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), PGCPS has committed to waste reduction through our recycling and composting programs and through sustainable materials managements and procurement. Please find information below including Priority Recommendation #6: Commit to Sustainable Materials Management and Procurement from the Climate Change Action Plan and CCAP reports below.

Task Force Reports for Priority 6 of the Climate Change Action Plan

Priority Recommendation #6: Commit to Sustainable Materials Management and Procurement

Develop a Sustainable Purchasing Policy
  • Gathering data to update the Purchasing Policy and solicitation templates.
Reduce School Meal Packaging Sent to the Landfill
  • Several food service meal packaging items have been switched to recyclable or compostable versions including the spork packet, salad/fruit cup and lid, soup bowl, hinged container for salads, and paper boats.
Promote Recycling and Waste Reduction in PGCPS
  • Priority 6 webpage created, with data included here.
  • Composting webpage created here.
  • Waste Wise field trip in May 2024 to the composting and recycling facilities with staff from Building Services, William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center, and CCAP workgroup with educational tours and hands-on experience to better understand the what, why and how to reduce waste in PGCPS.
  • September 20, 2023, school Recycling Coordinator, Recycling Professional development
  • Waste Diversion: The Right Version! Professional development for teachers on February 13, 2024
  • Winners of the 2023 Waste Diversion and Recycling Awards!
  • Category: Composting Schools
    • Bond Mill Elementary School, Bradbury Heights Elementary School Chesapeake Math and IT Academy North High School, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Francis Scott Key Elementary School, Heather Hills Elementary School, Largo High School, Laurel Elementary , Laurel High School, Mattaponi Elementary School, Montpelier Elementary School, Potomac High School, Robert Goddard Montessori, S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center Scotchtown Hills Elementary School
  • America Recycles Day events included:
    • Several schools participated in America Recycles Day by holding events at their respective schools.
    • Over 200 students took the PGCPS Recycling Pledge (many also took the Metropolitan Council of Governments Pledge).
    • Multiple students from Suitland HS (including the overall winner) placed in the “Rethink Recycling” sculpture contest sponsored by the Maryland Department of the Environment.
  • Recycling, composting and waste reduction incorporated into planning and execution of events such as the Student Environmental Alliance Summit, Climate-Ready Leadership event.
  • In the K-5 Science curriculum, a 1-2 day lesson will be embedded, which supports waste diversion and conservation practices.
  • Recycling Data
Improve the Carbon Footprint of the Waste Collection System
  • Increased the number of schools with three waste collection streams (landfill, compost, recycling) with the additional composting schools this school year.
Expand Tracking of Waste and Diversion Rates
  • Recycling and composting data for each facility posted on the website on the composting, recycling, Priority 5, and Priority 6 webpages.
  • Composting data for each facility

Newsbreak: Trash Talk

Students are leading the way to a better environment by composting.

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