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Reduce Food Waste and Grow Climate-Friendly Food


Climate Change Action Plan Priority Recommendation #5

Aligned with Priority Recommendation #5: Reduce Food Waste and Grow Climate-Friendly Food of the Climate Change Action Plan PGCPS continues to expand food waste recycling programs and planting education programs throughout our schools. Building upon a successful partnership, PGCPS Building Services, the William S. Schmidt Center and the Prince George’s County Department of the Environment, we continue to expand the composting program throughout PGCPS schools. The City of Laurel supports three schools within its boundary in a successful composting program. Schools collect compostable materials, including food scraps and paper trays, which are taken to the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility. Composting Data for the schools is available HERE.

Composting professional development for teachers and building supervisors are held by the William S. Schmidt Center and PGCPS Building Services.

Task Force Reports for Priority 5 of the Climate Change Action Plan

Priority Recommendation #5: Reduce Food Waste and Grow Climate-Friendly Food

Eliminate Unnecessary Idling from School Buses
  • Incorporated Student, Parent, Staff and Community Stakeholder Input into PGCPS Menus
Reduce Food Waste and Increase Composting
  • The composting program expanded this school year, bringing the total number of off-site composting schools to 29, with support from the city of Laurel and the Prince George’s County Department of the Environment.
  • Composting webpage created here.
  • Building Services and the William Schmidt Center, with support from the Sustainability Office, were awarded a School Waste Reduction and Composting Grant from the Maryland State Department of Education to support our composting and waste reduction programs.Compost was delivered to participating composting schools to show students and staff what they are helping to produce and be able to include in lessons with students, and utilize on the school grounds.
  • Composting coordinators (teachers) professional development on 10/17/23, and Building Supervisors on 10/19/23
  • Composting Data

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