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How to Qualify for TAG

In order to be in the TAG Program at Valley View Elementary School, you must enter the TAG Specialty School Lottery. Placements are made based on the amount of open spaces available and your resident address.
Have questions about the TAG Lottery?  Click here

The TAG Specialty School Lottery is closed at this time. The deadline was TBD. Please keep in mind the following...

  • We are waiting for the Office of Pupil Accounting to release the TAG lottery placements. We do not have a definite date, but we are expecting it by mid-May (keep a look out for an email or letter in the mail).
  • In order to gain placement into any TAG Center program, you must enter the lottery or live in the TAG Center School's boundary (it should be your your neighborhood school).
  • If you missed the deadline to apply, check the PGCPS and TAG Websites to see if a late lottery will be offered. (possible but not guaranteed)