Our school has the services of a full time nurse who is mainly responsible for dispensing medications, vision and hearing screenings, keeping immunization records up to date, assessing students who became sick while at school, as well as applying first aid.
If you know your child is sick, Please do not send them to school. If your child becomes seriously ill at school, we will contact you immediately. Children who get ill at school will need to be picked up by parents and taken home. If we cannot reach you immediately we will use the emergency contact information you have provided. It is very important to have current working phone numbers, and update them regularly as they may change. Please remember we cannot keep seriously ill children at school. Children must be free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours without assistance of medication before they can return to school.
The nurse documents students’ visits and if warranted, will make attempts to contact the parent using the phone numbers on file.
Medicine, including aspirin, cannot be administered by school personnel. Students who need to take prescribed medication or over-the-counter medication must have the appropriate form signed by the physician and parent before the medication can be brought to school. The medication and form must be left in the office with the Nurse.
All medication should be brought in by an Adult and immediately turned into the School Nurse. No medication should be in the possession of a student, including Cough Drops, Eye Drops, Inhalers, etc.)
Parents are asked to make the school aware of students’ food allergies and/or other medical conditions.