Students are asked to purchase an Agenda Book. These books can be purchased from the school. All students are expected to bring his/her agenda book home each day. Parents are asked to check the agenda book for assignments and/or notes from the teacher. Parents may also use the agenda book to send notes to the teacher. Take Home Communication Folders will be used for students in Pre-K and/or Kindergarten.
Behavioral Expectations
The school has created a disciplinary plan and school-wide rules. Students are expected to follow all school rules (halls, cafeteria, classroom, etc.) and the County Code of Student Conduct.
Valley View Elementary School maintains a Zero Tolerance Policy for violence, weapons, and drugs on school campus or at school activities off campus. The staff of Valley View believes in providing a safe and orderly environment for all children. We believe that all of our students can behave appropriately in our school. We believe all students have a right to learn and all teachers have a right to teach. We believe that in order for students to succeed in school there must be a partnership between the school and the home.
Prince George’s County Public School utilizes a Code of Student Conduct. The Level of Responses and Interventions Chart is used to correct inappropriate behavior and actions of students. If interventions are successful, a referral to an Administrator may not be necessary. Staff members will implement various levels of responses and interventions with students. In addition, this procedure applies while a student is located on or off school property during fields trips, school sponsored events, athletic functions, while being transported on PGCPS vehicles and during any other school related extracurricular activity. Administration will address serious behaviors that are deemed harmful to the safe and orderly environment of the school at the highest level.
Bus Conduct
Transported students are given a bus assignment and are to ride that bus and that bus only to and from school.
Riding a bus is a privilege. Good behavior is required in order to maintain a safe environment on each bus. The school supports the driver in maintaining safe bus riding habits. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled bus pick up.
Prior to loading the bus students should:
Be at the bus stop on time
Remain on the sidewalk while waiting for the bus to arrive. Be considerate of the property of others by staying off lawns, porches, shrubs, etc.
Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to board.
While on the bus students should:
Keep hands and feet inside the bus
Quiet talking is permitted. Inappropriate language is not permitted.
Damage to the interior or exterior of the bus will result in payment of damages.
Aisles must remain clear of personal belongings.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Follow the bus driver’s directions without argument or discussion.
Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Anyone who violates the safety standards will be suspended from the bus and parents will then be responsible for providing the child’s transportation. Bus suspension does not excuse the student from attending school.
Cell Phone Policy
The use of cell phones and PEDs should not interfere with teaching and learning during the school day. The school assumes no liability for theft, loss, or damage of cell phones and/or other PEDs possessed by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period.
Board Policy 5132: The Prince George’s County Board of Education believes that encouraging the use of technology in schools is essential in our global marketplace and will enhance the educational environment by promoting innovation; increasing student interest in learning; improving student achievement; and empowering teachers to use diverse and effective methods to prepare students for college and career. The Board of Education’s policy on portable electronic devices (PEDs) is designed to ensure that the use of PEDs is encouraged during the school day for instructional purposes, and at other times as approved by school administrators, provided that PED use does not violate the Code of Student Conduct in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Consequences for Misuse of Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs):
First Offense:
The student’s cell phone and/or PED may be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day.
If the cell phone and/or PED is going to be retained beyond the class period then the confiscation procedure in section IV.C. shall be followed.
The PGCPS assumes no liability for theft, loss, or damage of cell phones and/or other PEDs possessed by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period.
Second Offense:
The student’s cell phone and/or PED will be confiscated in accordance with Section IV.C and only returned to the student’s parent or guardian (unless student is emancipated (as defined in Administrative Procedure 5111 section III)).
The PGCPS assumes no liability for theft, loss, or damage of cell phones and/or other PEDs possessed by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period.
Third Offense:
The student will be prohibited from bringing a cell phone or PED to school for the remainder of the school year.
Should the student bring a cell phone and/or PED, it will be confiscated and returned only to the parent or guardian.
Repeated Offenses and Noncompliance with Attempted Confiscation:
Students committing repeated violations of this Procedure shall be subject to additional disciplinary action consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
Students who refuse to comply with a request to turn over their cell phone and/or PED shall be subject to discipline for disrespect and such other disciplinary action consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
Study Skills
A Successful Student…
Brings notebooks/binders, loose-leaf paper, two pencils, and any other materials necessary to class daily.
Is an active participant in the classroom, listens well and takes part in discussions.
Asks questions if he/she doesn’t understand the discussion or if he/she has a problem.
Plans his/her work and schedules times for homework (with television turned off) each day; makes sure he/she understands the assignment before he/she leaves class.
Uses what he/she learns, identifies how each subject applies to the others.
Strives to do his/her best, not just enough to get by. “A successful student “Puts forth effort and works hard so they can get SMART, the harder they work, the SMARTER they GET!! Work Hard and Get SMART!