Car riders will enter and exit the building though the front doors (Kiss and Ride). Please do not leave your automobile unattended in the Kiss and Ride section. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:30 A.M. Adult supervision will not be available before 7:30 A.M. Students walking to school should report to the blacktop area. Students will be escorted in the building at 7:30 A.M. Walking students in grades PreKindergarten through three will enter and exit through the yellow door (north side of the blacktop). Walking students in grades four through six will enter and exit through the green door (south door of the blacktop). Parents are asked to remain near the fence during dismissal time. Parents will not be allowed to escort their children to and from the classroom.
Breakfast is served daily except on those days involving a delayed opening. Lunch is served daily in shifts. Students can either purchase a full lunch or a milk or juice to complement a bag lunch. A regular breakfast costs $1.60 daily, $8.00 weekly, and $32.00 monthly. A reduced breakfast is of no cost to students. A regular lunch costs $2.75 daily, $13.75 weekly, and $55.00 monthly. A reduced lunch is of no cost to students. Applications for free or reduced lunch are available in the office.
The Lunch Program is computerized. Each student is assigned a personal identification number (PIN#) that must be memorized. The assigned PIN# remains with the child for the length of his or her enrollment at the school. Parents are encouraged to deposit money in lump sums, not to exceed $99.99. All checks and money orders should be payable to "Food and Nutrition Services." When sending cash, money should be sealed in an envelope with the student's name, teacher's name, and the amount enclosed indicated on it. If sending money for more than one child, please indicate so on the envelope. Parents can also add funds to their child's account by using MySchoolBucks. MySchoolBucks is a quick and convenient way to ensure your student always has money on their lunch account. Please take the time to set-up an account today by clicking here. The school will provide a cheese sandwich and milk if a child's account is short. We will not loan money. Please send written notice to the office/nurse and to your child's teacher if you suspect a food allergy. Your child should be aware of any foods he or she needs to avoid.
We expect all textbooks be covered in order to extend their useful lifespan. Booksox make excellent book covers although paper grocery bags work just as well. Library books, as with school property generally, should be handled with care. Parents will be charged for damaged or lost books.
All students are dismissed from school at 1:55 P.M. Older siblings are allowed to meet their younger siblings at the designated grade area. Students in grades PreKindergarten and Kindergarten should be picked up within the building. Adult supervision will not be provided for students past 2:05 P.M. Please note that early dismissal ends at 1:30 P.M.
Snow, heat, hurricanes, and power outages have all delayed opening or closed schools in Prince George's County. The decision to close schools is never made by a local administrator but always by the Superintendent or his or her designee and is broadcast area-wide by any number of radio and television stations. You can also access up-to-the-minute information about school closures at
We believe in the benefit of homework. The purpose of homework is to reinforce and extend classwork, promote skill competency, and develop a sense of time management. Make homework a habit--it will truly pay off for your child down the road. Also, when your child is absent, he or she is responsible for any work missed. If necessary, call your child's teacher and arrange to have it picked up or sent home.
We recommend you clearly label your child's school supplies and articles of clothing such as book bags, jackets, sweaters, etc. Include a first and last name, grade, and teacher's name. Found items will be kept in a Lost & Found box in a designated area for one month, after which unclaimed items are donated to a local charity.
Parent volunteers are integral to our program. They assist us in many ways: working with individual students or small groups, assisting with clerical duties, helping in the Media Center, chaperoning field trips, serving as room parents, etc. If you are willing to volunteer, please send a note or call and leave a message in the office. Be aware that board regulations require volunteers to submit to background checks under certain circumstances.
Students should not bring extra money or toys to school, including sports gear; they should not bring items susceptible of loss or damage, especially electronic equipment such as radios, pagers, tape recorders, and video games. If your child has permission to keep a cell phone, the cell phone must be turned to the off position during the day. We assume NO responsibility for personal possessions that may get lost or stolen. We ask your help in seeing that your child is in compliance with this policy. Please be aware that possession of knives, toy guns, or water pistols can result in suspension or expulsion.
Reporting of student progress in Prince George's County is accomplished in two ways: by report card and by conferencing. For grades kindergarten though six, report cards are issued four times per year. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled by mutual agreement during one of the reporting periods, with the option of additional conferences arranged by request. The report card advises you of progress in social skills, work habits, and the various subject areas.
You will receive periodic phone calls from us generated through our computerized school communication system, including reminders about upcoming events such as PTA meetings, as well as notice when your child is absent or tardy. We hope you find this avenue for fostering school-home communication helpful to you!
Please register for and use the ParentVUE portal to regularly review your student's grades and attendance records.
Some fifth and sixth grade students serve as safety patrols. Safety patrols assist students arriving at and departing from school. Please stress the importance of obeying the Safety Patrols to your child. Crossing guards are members of the Prince George's County Police Department who assist at major intersections deemed too dangerous for children to cross alone. Again, please stress the importance of obeying the crossing guards to your child.
We ask that students dress appropriately in the school uniform each day. We strongly discourage extraneous articles of clothing or jewelry. There is a large body of research suggesting that school uniforms dampen peer pressure and foster a positive academic climate. All items worn and brought to school must adhere to the PGCPS Dress Code Policy as found in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.