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Electronic Device Policy

Electronic Device Program

In the past Laurel High School has prohibited the use of electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, etc. during school hours.  However, Laurel High School is proposing an alternative policy to facilitate the needs of our students.  Students will be permitted to use electronic devices before school, during class change, during lunch, and teacher-identified instructional time provided the guidelines below are maintained:

The use of electronic devices for listening to music, texting, etc. should not cause a disruption to others (i.e. silent).  Talking on cell phones is not permitted at any point in the school day, as this may be disruptive to the learning environment.  (Students needing to make a phone call in an emergency should report to the office.)

Students cannot use their cell phone at any point during class with the exception of instructional purposes as indicated by the classroom teacher.

Students are never permitted to have electronics out/on during summative standards-based assessments for test security reasons.

Students disengage the use of electronic devices before entering the classroom.

Students use only one ear bud when transitioning between classes and in common areas such as the hallway, cafeteria, courtyard to ensure student safety and that students can hear directions, requests, and/or surrounding noises.

In order to protect everyone’s privacy, electronic devices should not be used to take photographs or videos on school property.

Electronic devices are not used to engage in an activity that could cause harm to others or behavior that is not following the student Code of Conduct (fights, bullying, threats gang related activities, etc.).

In accordance with county policies, the school is not responsible for personal electronics.  Students are responsible for the safekeeping of their electronics and they should not be left unattended or unsecured.

I agree to abide to the limited use of electronics during school hours as outlined.  I understand that as a part of the student body at Laurel High School, I am responsible for compliance with these guidelines.  Non-compliance from the student body will result in reversal of these rights.


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(Name)                                                                                                                                                                  (Date)