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Social Studies

Department Mission

The mission of the Social Studies Department is to focus on content strands of political systems, people of the nation and world, geography, and economics in order to provide our students with the skills for success that will emphasize life long learning, higher order thinking, communication, analysis and interpersonal skills. We are dedicated to creating future members of society that will understand other cultures, human behavior, global independence, civic ideals and responsibilities, and develop historic perspectives. It is our intention to provide students with the knowledge of the past so they may examine problems and their solutions in order to not repeat the past but to learn from it and improve society for a better tomorrow. The ultimate goal is to produce graduates that are civic minded and culturally aware who will have the tools to make our country a stronger nation in the future.   

Course Sequence

  • United States History* - Grade 9
  • Local, State, and National Government* - Grade 10
  • World History* - Grade 11

Elective Courses

Administration of Justice, African American History, Homeland Security, Psychology*, Peer Forward, Sociology

*Advanced Placement Option Offered

Anthony Goode

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Carrie Holmes

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

John Hommel

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Trevor Longmore

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Kenneth Lloyd

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Kawsar Mahmud

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Heidi Schramm-Slavin

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Zachary Siegel

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Leah Tolson

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Joy Uzomah

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Brian Wenk

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies

Bryan Wohlgemuth

Classroom Teacher
Social Studies