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Class of 2025

Important Graduation Information

Dear Senior Parents and Guardians:

It is imperative that your child meets all graduation requirements. Graduation requirements include the following:

  1. Earning a minimum of 21 credits.
  2. Completing and turning in the required Community Service Hours.
  3. Paying all financial obligations including library fees, lost textbooks fees, music fees, JROTC fees, Cap and Gown fees, Athletic Obligations and any other fees owed. No personal checks will be accepted; cash and money orders will be the only method of payment accepted.

If your child has not completed the above requirements, he or she will not be allowed to participate in the graduation rehearsal and will forfeit his or her right to participate in the graduation ceremony. Graduates also must understand that attending the prom and participating in the graduation ceremony are privileges. Inappropriate behavior during and after school could lead to your child’s prom and graduation privileges being revoked. Prom tickets will not be sold to students who owe a financial obligation to the school.

Graduation will be held at the University of Maryland’s Xfinity Center, Wednesday May 29th @ 9AM. Graduates must be at the Xfinity Center two hours before the scheduled graduation time.  A late arrival will lead to a graduate not participating in the graduation ceremony or being placed at the back of the graduation line. Graduates will receive 6 tickets ONLY each for admission. Every person, including small children (ages 2 and older) , must have a ticket to enter the Comcast Center. Each graduate will receive their 6 tickets at the end of graduation rehearsal.  The tickets become the graduates’ responsibility once they receive them. Lost or stolen tickets cannot be replaced. 

Alicia Cooper

Professional School Counselor
Grades10-12: Last Names A-E

Terri Collins-Swain

Counseling Department Chair
Grades 10-12: Last Names F-NI

Rachel Mitchell

Professional School Counselor
Grade 10-12: Last names NJ-Z

Arika Pritchett-Sellman

Assistant Principal
12th Grade Administrator

Donald Cleveland

Athletic Director
Spartan Athletics

Imani Hopewell

Professional School Counselor
Grade 9: Last Names A-K