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School Uniform Policy

Hillcrest Heights Elementary School is a MANDATORY uniform school.  A uniform is the required dress each day including field trips.  All students are expected to comply with this dress code during school and school-related activities.  The official school uniform is listed below:   





White Short/Long Sleeve Knit Polo
White Short/Long Sleeve Collared/Dress Shirt   

White Short/Long Sleeve Knit Polo
White Short/Long Sleeve Collared Blouse
White Peter Pan Shirt    


Navy Blue Walking Shorts
Navy Blue Double Knee Pants
Black Belt   

Navy Blue Pants/Shorts/Skort
Navy Blue Skirt
Navy Blue Jumper 
Black Belt   


Navy Blue, Black Socks or White Socks

Navy Blue, Black Socks or White Socks
Navy Blue Tights   


SOLID Black or White Rubber Sole Shoes/Tennis Shoes   

SOLID Black or White Rubber Sole Shoes/Tennis Shoes   


Navy Blue Sweater Vest
Navy Blue V Neck Cardigan   

Navy Blue V Neck Cardigan   

The following clothing items do not adhere to the uniform policy and will not be permitted at any time:    

  • Clothing with visible labels or logos    
  • Footwear with multiple colors, lights or flashing logos    
  • Heelies (combination shoe/skate)    
  • Stretch pants, leggings, sweatpants or form fitting clothing    
  • Crew neck t-shirts  (all shirts must have a collar with the exception of turtlenecks)  
  • Jeans or other denim clothing    
  • Slippers, flip flops, sandals, or other open-toe shoes      
  • Clothing that has been altered (cut-out holes, rips, drawings)    
  • Belts that contain large or inappropriate buckles    
  • Large earrings, hoop earrings, oversized pendants and chains, jewelry that is visually distracting or noisy (i.e. multiple metal bangle bracelets, musical watches)

Additional Uniform Information 

  • Shirts are worn tucked into the pants and/or skirts    
  • Belts should be solid black in color and may not contain ornamental buckles. (i.e. skull heads, names, etc.)    
  • Skirts, dresses and shorts comply with the Prince George’s County fingertip policy.    
  • It is required that tennis shoes be worn for Physical Education (P.E.) classes. Teachers will provide a schedule indicating P.E. days so that your child can wear the appropriate footwear.