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Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Transportation Coordinator(s)

Primary Coordinator

Davina Midgette
Assistant Principal


Student Arrival*

Once the bell rings, all PK-5 students enter the building at 7:15 a.m. Students line up by grade level under the canopy and enter through the front door of the building by grade level. Students walk on the right side of the hallway to their classes. Breakfast is provided for all students in their classrooms. Instruction begins at 7:30 a.m.

*In inclement weather, students line up by grade level in the lobby area, where a staff member will monitor them.

Student Dismissal*

Announcements begin at 1:35 p.m. Student movement begins at 1:40 p.m. Teachers line up their students in the following order: Bus riders, Car/Aftercare riders, and Walkers. Teachers will escort their students to their designated dismissal area. Primary students (PreK-2 grades) are dismissed and escorted first. Afterward, intermediate students are dismissed and escorted by their teachers. Students are dropped off at the following areas:

Bus riders

Students enter through the front half of the multipurpose room, entering through the first door.

Car/Aftercare riders

Students enter through the second set of doors through the back half of the multipurpose room.

Parents who have completed an informational form will be given a number to display in their cars. They can drive around in the circle, remain in their vehicles, and have their children released from the cafeteria. Car riders will be dismissed at the side door nearest the cafeteria.

Bus riders and aftercare van riders will be called individually by bus number and aftercare name. They will be dismissed out the front door. Aftercare van staff will sign out and pick up students from the school's front door.

Students being picked up by parents or aftercare vans must be signed out. No exceptions.


Students will line up on the left side of the main hallway, near the lobby area. At 1:40 p.m., the walkers will be dismissed out the school's front door.


Students will be released to the cafeteria with the Alphabest staff.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students

Prekindergarten and kindergarten bus and aftercare van riders are escorted down the main hallway. They will sit in the hallway near the main office and be dismissed. The remaining preschool and kindergarten parent pick-up students will be dismissed from the kindergarten wing. Parents will pick up students from the second main door, closest to the staff parking lot. Students being picked up by parents or aftercare vans must be signed out. No exceptions.

At 2:00 p.m., the remaining students will be escorted to the lobby area for late pickup. Parents will need to ring the bell and come into the office to sign out their children. Late bus students will remain in the cafeteria until the bus arrives.

*Any changes made to how a student is dismissed from school must be made in writing by the parent. There are no exceptions.

Early Dismissal*

Parents who desire to pick up their children early from school must do so before 1:15 p.m. Parents must present their government-issued identification card (ID) to the secretary, which will be scanned using the Raptor system or the student’s cumulative file. Once verified, the student(s) will be called to the office for dismissal. Any adult, other than the parent, picking up a student for early dismissal must be listed on the student’s emergency information card, and the individual must present a government-issued identification card (ID) to the secretary. No exceptions.

Any parent request for an individual not listed on the student’s emergency information card to pick up a student must be made in writing. There are no exceptions.

Students will not be released to individuals under the age of 18.

After School Clubs/Activities/Sports*

Students who stay after school for extracurricular programs must report to the multipurpose room during dismissal and wait for the group sponsor. Students will remain there from 1:40 p.m. until after dismissal at 2:00 p.m.

Parents who pick up students from after-school programs must come into the building to sign the student out. If the student is to walk home from an after-school program, the parent must provide consent.

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