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Academic and Career Programs

Testing Information

Testing Coordinator: Mr. Dionisio Fragante | | Ext. 81796  

High School Assessments

The Maryland High School Assessments (HSA) are tests that measure school and individual student progress toward Maryland's High School Core Learning Goals. Passing the HSA is a graduation requirement beginning with the graduating class of 2009.

Online Resources:

Advanced Placement (AP) Tests

AP Exams are taken at the conclusion of the corresponding AP course.  It is a 2 to 3 hour exam, given in May, made up of multiple choice and essay questions.  A high enough score can earn students college credit.

Meet the AP Exams

College Board

PGCPS Benchmark Tests 

The Quarterly Benchmark Tests are given in Algebra 1, Biology, English 9, English 10 and L/S/N Government.  They are in alignment with the curriculum and designed to mimic the High School Assessment.  The benchmark information allows teachers to adjust instruction to better prepare students for the High

SAT Reasoning Test 1

The SAT is a three-hour-and-forty-five-minute test that measures the critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and writing skills that students need to do college-level work.

Meet the SAT

Maryland State Assessments

The Maryland School Assessment (MSA) is a test of reading and math achievement that meets the testing requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act. The test is given each year in early March in reading and math at grades 3 through 8. As early as March 2008, science will be added in grades 3, 5, and 8.

Online Resources:

Scholastic Reading Inventory

The Scholastic Reading Inventory is a series of reading tests for students in elementary through high school.  The tests are based on a powerful new system, called the Lexile Framework, that can help accurately assess students' comprehension levels and match them with appropriate texts for successful reading experiences. 

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