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Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

EARLY DEPARTURES: Parents/Guardians arriving to pick students up for early departures must arrive by 3:15pm. No departures will occur after this point.

The Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr., High School staff is committed to providing a safe and orderly instructional environment for our students on a daily basis. In order to accomplish this goal, all of our students have received written materials relative to the Code of Student Conduct for Prince George’s County Public School policies on attendance, truancy and tardiness to class. Students with legitimate reasons for late arrival to school should report to Ms. Turner, the Attendance Secretary, with documentation.

Legitimate reasons include:

  • Death in the immediate family – absences for this reason should not exceed three (3) days
  • Illness of the student – the school may require certificate of a doctor
  • Court Summons – a note from the court will be required
  • Observation of a religious holiday
  • School authorized activity or work
  • State of Emergency

Hall Sweeps will be held on a daily basis during the school year. The expectation is that all students are in class on time. In keeping with the above guidelines, the following consequences tardies to class will be enforced:

  • 1st hall sweep = Parent Notification
  • 2nd hall sweep = 5 days of Cafeteria Duty
  • 3rd hall sweep = 1 day of 7:30 AM Detention 
  • 4th hall sweep = 3 days in the Student Accountability Center
  • 5th hall sweep = 3 days Out-Of-School Suspension or Parent Shadowing

The staff of Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr., High School is soliciting all of our parents/guardians, as partners in your child’s educational experiences, to assist us with this very important life skill. Please assist us in emphasizing the importance of reporting on time to school and class.