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Mr. Charles H. Flowers.jpegAt Charles Herbert Flowers High School, we are committed to maintain a culture wherein words are silenced by actions. We are a "Mecca of Excellence"; empowering students to obtain goals, utilizing resources that will enable them to become lifelong learners The collaboration of parents, faculty, staff and community provides a caring, academically challenging, and technologically-advanced environment, balanced by discipline and fairness for the cultivation of diverse talents, skills, and interests for life. It is our vision to achieve excellence through the provision of a rigorous and challenging academic program that nurtures and expands the skills, talents, and interests of our students.

Upon school opening in August 2000, the faculty developed the philosophy, slogan, mission, vision, goals, and beliefs for Charles Herbert Flowers High School. 

We believe that to achieve excellence, the Charles H. Flowers High School community must prepare our students to become responsible and contributing members of a changing, challenging, and global society. 


To create college and career ready students through a commitment to culture, collaboration, and critical thinking.


The mission of Charles H. Flowers High School is to provide a challenging and rigorous educational program which motivates and enables each student to develop intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally in an orderly, inviting, safe, and productive school climate which nurtures creative and critical thinking and develops sound values to promote excellence for lifelong learning.