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English Department

The English Department's role in CHFHS is to provide multiple and varied opportunities for student to hone their communication skills - thinking, reading, writing, speaking, listening - to ensure academic and social success in all aspects of their lives.

The CHFHS English Department's goals are consistent with those of the school in that we hope to achieve the following:

  • Integrate reading, writing, and thinking skills across the curriculum so students employ the strategies in all of their course related work.
  • Infuse our curriculum with real world experiences to make the learning relevant for our students.
  • Provide many opportunities for students to develop test-taking strategies and skills in order for them to be successful on the High School Assessments, ACT, SAT, and other post-secondary educational entrance exams.
  • Maximize the use of technology in language arts classes to better prepare students for the world of academia and work in the 21st Century.
  • Ensure we provide diverse opportunities in a climate that is conducive for students to voice their ideas and opinions, to use language effectively depending on the circumstances, and to easily move from informal to formal language.