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Visual and Performing Arts

The rational for bringing together the various forms of fine art taught at CHFHS is for the better organization of teachers ofThe Wiz- rehearsal these art disciplines and their teaching of students taking courses in the music, visual and performing arts.

These disciplines are in three categories: Music (Guitar, Piano); Performing Arts (Band, Choir, Drama, Dance); Visual Arts (Painting, Art I and Art II, Photography, Computer Graphics, Ceramics, Sculpture and AP Art).

In order for students to gain higher achievements in academics as well as their own self-fulfillment as an individual, the relationship between all of the art disciplines is needed. These relative experiences give a student connected understanding to their larger world.

When all of the fine arts come together to produce joint projects, from musical productions, art exhibitions, or community arts events, these students gain a wider knowledge base which gives a firmer foundation for all of their academic ventures.

This departmental structure promotes a stronger foundation from which to create and communicate a working cooperation for the various arts faculty, students, parents and community.