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Administrative Procedure 2801 - Safety Program Responsibilities

I. Purpose

To designate procedures and responsibilities for carrying out the Safety Program in all schools and other work locations.

II. Policy

Board of Education Policy 2801 – Safety Program.

III. Background

Safety is the responsibility for conducting a continuous, vigorous effort to prevent accidents in all school activities and operations. Principals and department heads must insure that adequate provisions for safe practices and safe physical standards are incorporated in all directives, standing operating procedures, and educational activities.

IV. Definitions

Safety Program – the formal program of identifying hazards which may lead to injury or property loss and efforts which are taken to prevent such injury or property loss, e.g., training, removing hazards, and awareness of proper procedures to follow. (See attachment)

V. Procedures

Providing for a safe work/school environment carries the responsibility of conducting a continuous effort to prevent accidents in all work locations and operations. Chief Executive Officer, Division Chiefs, Directors, Principals/Designated Senior Administrator must insure that adequate provisions for safe practices and safe physical standards are incorporated in all operating procedures and educational activities. The following guidelines designate responsibility for administration of the Safety Program.

  1. Administrative Safety Committee – This committee will be responsible for implementing Safety Policy and Procedure, and for designating authority to develop specific safety programs in all work locations and operations. Membership shall be as follows:
    • Chairman designated by Chief Executive Officer
    • Director of Security
    • Risk Management
    • Safety Officer, Special Assistant
    • Labor Relations Director
    • Other individual(s) invited to participate because of their special knowledge or interest in specific areas.
  2. Safety Office – The Safety Office, in conjunction with Employee Services and Risk Management, will provide support for the Administrative Safety Committee. The office will also provide support to workplace committees and safety coordinators in the form of safety materials, accident/injury data, safety training, liaison with professional safety organizations, and other services.
  3. Workplace Safety Committee – Division Chief, Associate Superintendents, Directors, Principals/Designated Senior Administrator shall exercise aggressive leadership in conducting an effective safety program within their purview to assure full compliance with all safety and health regulations. In this regard, the following steps should be taken to properly implement a workplace safety program. (See attachment)
  4. Safety Coordinator – A school or department may appoint a Safety Coordinator in lieu of, or in conjunction with, a workplace committee. This individual will carry out the same functions as a full committee. A Coordinator could best be used in a small school or department that has a limited number of students or personnel.
  5. Employees – Employees shall perform their duties in the safest practicable manner, complying with all safety regulations, and report safety hazards or unsafe conditions to their supervisor for corrective actions. Employees are encouraged to become actively involved in the Public Safety Program, and take advantage of their opportunity to work with management on correcting safety problems and concerns. Failure to comply with established safety procedures may result in disciplinary action.

VI. Related Procedures

VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This procedure will be reviewed annually by the Safety Office and updated as necessary.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2801, dated January 1, 1999.

IX. Effective Date

July 1, 2013

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2013


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