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Administrative Procedure 2805.3 - Employee Accident Reporting and Record Keeping

I. Purpose

To comply with Maryland State Laws for the reporting and record keeping of accidents to Prince George’s County Public School Employees.

II. Background

All Prince George’s County Public School Employees are covered by both the Workmen’s Compensation Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of Maryland. Regulations issued under these laws require prompt reporting and record keeping of employees’ injuries on the job.

III. Definitions

Safety Coordinator/Committee – Individual(s) designated to assist the Principal through increasing the awareness of safety needs and procedures among the student body and staff.

IV. Procedures

The following applies to required reports for Employee Accident Reporting and Record keeping.

  1. Reporting:
    1. Employee should immediately contact their supervisor, then call Corvel, the designated Worker’s Compensation administrator at 800-744-2447 to report an accident or injury, no matter how minor.
    2. Accidents involving fatality or serious injury (one requiring hospitalization) are to be telephoned or emailed to Risk Management and the Safety Office immediately by the supervisor or principal concerned.
  2. Record keeping
    A Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, OSHA 300 A, will be sent to each school by January 25 of each year. The summary must be posted within the school or facility in a place accessible to all employees from February 1 to March 1 of each calendar year.

V. Related Procedures

See Procedures for Workmen’s Compensation and Occupational Disability Leave Reporting Procedures, where otherwise applicable to the instant case. See Administrative Procedure 2805.2, Student Accident Reporting.

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Procedure will be reviewed annually in August of each year by the Safety Office for modification and/or revision.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2805.3, dated August 1, 1975.

VIII. Effective Date

August 1, 2013

About This Procedure

Last Revised: August 1, 2013


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