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Administrative Procedure 2805.2 - Student and Visitor Accident Reporting

I. Purpose

To establish reporting requirements for student and visitor accidents occurring on school property or during school-sponsored activities that result in an injury.

II. Background

In anticipation of a claim or lawsuit, all student and visitor accidents must be documented on a Student/Visitor Accident Report (Form 7540-3005). They must be completed for accidents that occur on school property or during school sponsored events, i.e. athletic events and field trips.

III. Procedures

  1. Student/Visitor Accident Reporting:
    1. When an accident has occurred on school property or during school-sponsored activities in which a student or a visitor has been injured, at a minimum, the following conditions require the submission of a Student/Visitor Accident Report to the Risk Management Office and Safety and Security Services within 24 hours:
      1. The injury requires first aid, consultation with a physician, and/or the student loses time from school.
      2. The injury requires the student to leave school or the activity for medical treatment.
      3. An ambulance is called, whether or not the student is actually transported.
      4. A parent notifies the school that they have taken their child to a doctor because of an injury received at school.
      5. The injury involves weather conditions.
      6. The injury may have been partially or wholly caused by a physical condition of the facility.
      7. The injury involves the head, neck, or spine or a fracture of any kind.
    2. In completing the accident report, it is essential that the accident be described in sufficient detail to show conditions existing when the accident occurred. The Safety and Security Services Department will review all incident reports for possible safety hazards. If unsafe conditions are noted, steps should be taken immediately for their correction.
    3. A Student/Visitor Accident Report (Form 7540-3005) must be completed by the teacher or administrator who witnessed the incident or the person responsible for supervising the student activity and then signed by the principal. In the case of a student who witnessed the incident, their statement should be recorded and signed by the principal or supervising teacher.
    4. Any interscholastic/competitive sports/training related injury should be reported first to the school's trainer, coach or Athletic Director and then to the Risk Management Office. The report must be sent to the Risk Management Office and the Safety and Security Services Department within 24 hours of the accident.
  2. Retention:

    Student/Visitor Accident Reports are to be retained in the school accident files and Safety and Security Services Department and the Risk Management Office accident files for three (3) years following the end of the calendar year in which the accident occurred.

  3. Release of Information:

    In addition to sending the report to the Risk Management Office and Safety and Security Services Office, Student/Visitor Accident Reports may also be released to the following:
    1. Office of General Counsel.
    2. The Board’s outside law firm.

      Requests for the Student/Visitor Accident Report from the parent(s) or legal guardian(s), their attorney or a third party, i.e. parent’s health insurance company, should be referred to the Risk Management Office for handling.
  4. Claim Procedures
    1. Parent(s) or their attorney that want to file a claim against the school system for their child’s injury or demand the school system pay for their medical bills should be referred to the Risk Management Office. Under no circumstance should an employee discuss the merits of the claim with the parent or their attorney or make any promises to them, i.e. agreeing to pay for the medical bills.
    2. If the school or an employee is served with a summons and complaint in connection with a student accident, the documents must be hand delivered to the Office of General Counsel.

IV. Monitoring and Compliance

The Safety and Security Services Office will be responsible for monitoring and compliance with this procedure by collecting and compiling data from the Student/Visitor Accident Report form related to type of injury, cause of injury, and physician and/or hospital visit on a quarterly basis.

V. Related Procedures

Administrative Procedure 2805.3, Employee Accident Reporting and Record Keeping and Administrative Procedure 5125, Individual Student School-Based Records.

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures will be reviewed in August of each year by the Risk Management Office for modification and/or revision.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2805.2, July 1, 2008.

VIII. Effective Date

August 23, 2019

About This Procedure

Last Revised: August 23, 2019


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