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Administrative Procedure 2802 - Posting of Safety Notices and Availability of Details of the Safety and Security Services Program

I. Purpose

To provide instructions regarding posting of notices describing the protections and obligations that Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) are required to post for employees.

II. Policy

The Board of Education is committed to providing an accident-free environment for students, staff, the general public and anyone who has business within the school system and compliance with all safety laws and regulations. The Policy is written from the premise that accidents are preventable when prior systematic measures are taken to identify, eliminate or protect against recognized hazards. (Policy 2801)

III. Background

To prevent accidents, utilization of good safety practices and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, relevant information about the protections and obligations that the school system is required to address will be made available to staff, students, and visitors.

IV. Procedures

  1. Each school and facility shall post the notice published by the Maryland Commissioner of Labor and Industry, which informs employees of the school system’s obligation to provide job safety and health protection for employees through the promotion of safe and healthful working conditions.
  2. Each school and/or facility should also publish and post written notices regarding the following:
    1. How to complete a report which identifies possible unsafe or unhealthful working conditions;
    2. Information about the school’s safety program, including specific occupational safety and health standards and procedures; and
    3. Relevant information about the school’s or facility’s safety coordinator workplace safety committee.
  3. These notices should be posted in a conspicuous place or places where notices are customarily posted. Such notices should not be altered, defaced, or covered by other material and should be kept up to date. Schools may also convey the information required by this administrative procedure by other means provided the notice or notices are also posted in accordance with this procedure.
  4. Copies of MOSHA, administrative procedure, regulations and guidelines, details of the school safety program and applicable safety standards or summaries of any of the foregoing items should be available upon request to employees or employee representatives for review in the school or facility where the employees are employed. Information will also be available on at

V. Monitoring and Compliance

The Safety and Security Services Office will be responsible for monitoring and compliance with this procedure.

VI. Related Procedures

VII. Legal Reference

Annotated Code of Maryland, Labor and Employment Article §5-104; COMAR

VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure will be reviewed annually by the Division of Supporting Services, Administrative Safety and Security Services Committee.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2802, dated July 1, 2008.

X. Effective Date

August 28, 2019

About This Procedure

Last Revised: August 28, 2019


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