“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin
Through systemic grant development and management, SPRM, supports the mission of Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) to provide a great education that empowers all students and contributes to thriving communities. SPRM works closely with PGCPS staff to identify resources to implement innovative and transformative social, emotional and academic enrichment programs to augment existing school-based programming.
SPRM, as an integral department within the Division of Accountability, mirrors its grant development processes and procedures to that of the division’s mission to provide, manage and support transparent accountable measures.
Pursing grant opportunities provides much needed resources to supplement (not supplant) existing fiduciary responsibilities to support PGCPS’ goal of “outstanding academic achievement for all students.”
SPRM works closely with PGCPS program staff to facilitate the development and submission of compelling grant applications in excess of $20,000; and to secure competitive grant awards that align with PGCPS’ strategic imperatives (i.e., Academic Innovation, Transformational Workforce, Organizational Learning Culture, Safe & Supportive Environments and Infrastructure Enhancement).