Grants Development Process Workflow Chart
There are three core areas of grant development to include (1) strategic grant search (2) proposal development and (3) grant training.
SPRM Grants Staff will....
SPRM Grants Staff will….
SPRM Grants Staff will….
Coordinate Program Concept Development Training Sessions to support program staff in identifying and prioritizing program activities requiring funding support for implementation. Also, staff designs grants pre-recorded grants training presentations on key grant development topics to include but not limited to:
The Strategic Planning and Resource Management Office (SPRM), has in place a set of processes that support efficient and effective execution of the SPRM Grants Development activities.
Grant Search and Proposal DevelopmentTimeframe average 30-45 days |
Grant Signature Process and Proposal SubmissionTimeframe 7-10 business days |
Grant SearchAction
Proposal DevelopmentAction
Grant Signature Process (Electronic)Action
Proposal SubmissionAction