Dear Parents,
Excellent attendance is essential for academic success. Poor attendance is one of the leading factors for academic failure. It is important that parents and students commit to making attendance a priority. The Code of Student Conduct speaks to the issue of student attendance. In order for a tardy to be excused, students are required to bring a note from their parent/guardian explaining the reason for the tardiness. If a student has a medical excuse that necessitated a doctor’s visit, a note from the doctor must be submitted.
Lawful absences require a written explanation from the parent/guardian within 2 school days after the student returns to school. Written explanation of absences must include the parent’s/guardian’s full name and telephone number(s). If a student is absent for 3 or more days due to illness (and a long-term illness/health condition is not documented with the Professional School Nurse), a note from a doctor is necessary in order to excuse the absences. If a student acquires 5 unexcused absences within a quarter, a parent conference will be held with the attendance committee and an attendance contract will be generated. Please see the Code of Student Conduct for explanation of lawful vs. unlawful absences.
Please remember that the school day is from 9:15am – 3:55pm. All students are tardy after 9:15am. If a student is found to have 5 unexcused tardies, the parent/guardian will be contacted. If there are 5 additional tardies after the parent contact, a parent conference will be held.
It is important that your child remain in school for the entire day so that they do not miss valuable instruction. Please make every effort to refrain from removing your child from school prior to 3:30pm unless it is an emergency. Reasons for early dismissal will be monitored by the Pupil Personnel Worker. If a student is dismissed early 5 times for non-emergency reasons, the parent/guardian will be contacted. If the student is dismissed early 5 additional times for non-emergency reasons after the parent contact, a parent conference will be held.
It is our sincere desire that every child has a full opportunity for educational success. We appreciate your efforts to ensure that your child attends school consistently and promptly. Working together, we can guarantee that this will be a great year, while maintaining Pullen’s reputation of excellence in all areas. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the school at (301) 808-8160.