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Career Academy Programs (CAP)


Career Academy Programs (CAP) are like schools within a school. PGCPS adopted this model based on projected workforce trends and future employment opportunities within the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. All programs of study have strong collaborative relationships with business, industry and post secondary education. Hence, many programs may lead to industry recognized professional certifications and/or licenses. Equally important, some programs enable students to earn college credit while in high school. 

Programs of study consist of multi-year sequence of course work, career guidance, and work-based learning experiences that enables students to make more informed college and career choices. They also afford students an opportunity to earn college credit, industry certification/licenses, or pre-apprenticeship experience prior to leaving high school. 

Core Values

  •  Globally focused 
  •  Rigorous and relevant experiences 
  •  Equitable and effective partnerships 
  •  Achievement at high levels 
  •  Transformative and technologically advanced  learning  

College & Career Readiness & Innovative Programs Mission Statement

The department of College & Career Readiness & Innovative Programs will provide programs and services that enhance and expand academic opportunities to support students' college and career readiness.

College & Career Readiness & Innovative Programs Vision Statement

The department of College & Career Readiness & Innovative Programs will prepare all students to graduate college and career ready to meet the demands of a global society.

Choosing a Career Academy means you will graduate from PGCPS college AND career ready. Career Academies infuse 21st Century skills and hands-on learning into a rigorous high school plan of study. Successful Career Academy students graduate from high school with industry certifications, college credits, and the skills and confidence to enter the workplace and/or college.