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The dedication of Suitland Junior-Senior high school took place Thursday, November 15, 1951.  Mr. John W. McNamara, President of the Suitland Jr.-Sr. high P.T.A., acted as master of ceremonies.  William S. Schmidt, county Superintendent of Schools presented the building to the faculty and students of Suitland upon the recommendation of Thomas S. Gwynn, assistant county Superintendent of Schools.  Mr. Thomas V. Warthen, Principal, accepted the school on behalf of the faculty, Bill Mathews for the senior high and Hanna Lee Freed for the junior high.  After the school had been presented and accepted, Dr. Thomas G. Pullen, Maryland state superintendent of schools, dedicated the school to the high ideal of freedom of education.

School Colors

Scarlett Red and White

School Mascot

The Rams

Alma Mater

Dear Old Suitland High School
(composed by Billy Pirrone '53 and Ronnie Crown '54)

Dear old Suitland High School
We are proud of you
To our Alma Mater
And our colors too
To the sons of Suitland
Brave and loyal too
To you Suitland High School
We’ll be ever true.

In our hearts we’ll always be
Ever true to thee
Here’s to Suitland High School
Glorious to see
As the years go passing by
Their fame will never die
To you Suitland High School
Dear old Suitland High