VPA Theatre
Total Audition Time : Approximately 10 minutes
Auditions: Saturday, January 11, 2025
Audition Workshop - Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Zoom Link: pgcps-org.zoom.us/j/87453584015
What are we looking for
We are looking for students who possess a passion for acting, a desire to immerse themselves in all aspects of the theatre, and an interest in pursuing a career in the field. Students should be focused, on-task, imaginative, emotionally available, and able to express themselves physically as well as vocally. Ideal candidates listen and adapt, accept criticism, and are able to incorporate suggestions into their work.
What to bring/how to prepare
Prepare and memorize two contrasting monologues.
Be prepared to tell us why you want to attend the VPA Theatre Program and what you hope to accomplish while you are here.
Come to the audition on time, dressed in loose fitting clothes, tennis shoes and be prepared for movement and warm-up exercises.
The audition itself
Students will prepare 2-90 second monologues. Monologues can be one of their own selections from a published play or from the monologue packet located on the Audition Website. One 90-second comedic monologue and one 90-second dramatic monologue.
You may use monologues from this packet or you may present others of your choosing. Feel free to choose any monologue (one contemporary comedic and one contemporary dramatic) that you like that shows off your strengths as a performer and showcases your skills with language.
Websites with monologues from published plays:
There will be an interview with each student. Be prepared to discuss your selected monologues.
Have a successful audition
MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN BE HEARD AND UNDERSTOOD AT ALL TIMES. Keep the voice supported (strong) and be sure to enunciate (speak clearly).
Be sure you enjoy performing your selections and that the pieces are the right age range for you.
Be sure that you read the play as you may be asked questions pertaining to the play you selected.
Students are expected to audition with prepared monologues. That means it should be memorized and rehearsed.
Students should understand the Character (who the person in the monologue is), the Objective (what the character wants), Actions (what the character does to get what they want), and the Given Circumstances (the information the playwright provides that affect the actions of the character).
Dr. Patricia Payne – patpayne@pgcps.org