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Parent & Scholar Handbook


Welcome to the Melwood Elementary Parent & Scholar Handbook page. Please review the information below to help our Might Hawk scholars have a successful school year. Additional resources can be found on our Parent Resources page.

School Information


7100 Woodyard Road
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772


Main Office: (301) 599–2500
Before & After Care: (301) 599–2242
Cafeteria: (301) 599–2506
Office Fax: (301) 599–2507


Acting Principal – Mrs. Summer Carter
Asst. Principal – Mrs. R. Hall-McNeil
IB Coordinator – Mrs. S. Major
Professional School Counselor – Mrs. L. McFarland
Administrative Asst. – Mrs. Gore


Scholars: 7:30 a.m. – 1:55 p.m.
Teachers: 7:15 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Main Office: 7:15a.m. – 3:15 p.m.


Red and White


Mighty Hawk


Registro / Matrícula

PGCPS registrations can be completed online:

School Hours / Horas de escuela: 7:30 a.m - 1:55 p.m 
Office Hours / Horas de oficina: 7:15 a.m - 3:15 p.m

Melwood Elementary School is part of Area 1, Cluster 5 within Gorgeous Prince George's County Public Schools 

  • Area 1 Associate Superintendent: Dr. Kasandra Lassiter
  • Cluster 5 Instructional Director: Mr. Darryl Evans
  • PGCPS Board of Education Member for District 9: Mrs. Lolita E. Walker
  • P.T.A Board Members:
    • President & VP - Mrs. Carcamo & Mr. Hipps
    • Treasurer - Mrs. Yeates
    • Secretary - Vacant

Student Arrival/Dismissal Times, Delayed Openings & Early Dismissals


Children should arrive at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m. unless enrolled in Before Care at the school. Instruction begins at 7:45 a.m.


All scholars arriving late to school must report to the main office to receive a late slip. Scholars who arrive after 7:45 a.m. are marked tardy. Scholars who are tardy due to a late bus will not be marked tardy.


  • One hour – school opens 8:30 a.m. – buses also run 1 hour late for pick up.
  • Two hour – school starts 9:30 a.m. – buses also run 2 hours late for pick up.
  • ALL field trips are cancelled with a delayed opening.


Afternoon announcements begin at 1:50 p.m. Car riders, walkers, Before & After Care, and van riders are dismissed beginning at 1:55 p.m. Bus riders will be dismissed after all of the above scholars have exited the schoolhouse.


A note is required for early dismissal. The note should state the reason for the early dismissal as well as the name of the adult who will be picking up the child. Only parents/guardians or adults listed on the family card are permitted to sign scholars out. No early dismissals can
be honored after 1:30 p.m.

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures



Dismissal Tags and Codes

If you have not yet done so, PLEASE complete Melwood Elementary School's - Transportation and Emergency Information Form / Melwood Elementary School's - Formulario de información de emergencia y transporte
Scholars will be receiving specific identifiable tags for their modes of transportation (Bus-rider, Car-rider, Van-rider, Walker)

** this process is still ongoing as we identify everyone's PRIMARY mode of transportation, and why it is VITAL for you to complete the above form**

Change in Dismissal Mode of Transportation

Any change in a scholar's dismissal needs to be communicated to Melwood ES main office immediately. Practitioners are unable to respond to all Dojo messages during the instructional day regarding dismissal changes.

Please send in a written note to the main office or call Melwood at 301-599-2500 anytime your child will have an alternate mode of dismissal

Bus Rider

  • Scholars who ride the school bus should be at their assigned bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time

  • Melwood calls the PM buses in the order they arrive on the lot. Buses are called in batches of 3. 

  • Scholars get their bus number called 3 separate times over the intercom to ensure they get on the bus before it departs

  • Parents, please be at the PM bus stop at least 10 minutes before and stay at least 15-20 minutes after their scheduled PM drop-off time. PGCPS has a bus shortage and buses can run late.

  • ALL K scholars must wear an identifiable vest when riding the bus.

  • K scholars MUST be picked up at the bus stop by a receiving adult. 

  • If there is no receiving adult for K scholar drop-offs at the bus stop, the driver will bring the child back to MES.

  • Scholars on the wrong bus should always remain on the bus. Tell your child, if this ever happens, REMAIN on the bus. The driver will return them to MES.

Van Rider

  • Please call Melwood at 301-599-2500 if your scholar becomes a “Van rider” to a private After Care facility

  • Van Riders are called to the media center at the start of the MES dismissal process

  • Ms. McFarland has rosters for all the different “daycare” providers. 

  • Ms. McFarland escorts van riders to their vans

  • Vans are located in the Admin section of the parking lot


  • Scholars identified as “walkers” are called to the scholar zone at the start of the MES dismissal process.

  • Mr. Hawkins has a list of all scholars listed as walkers. 

  • Mr. Hawkins escorts the walkers out the front doors and down to the steps leading to Woodyard Rd.

  • Scholars who get picked up can meet their parents at the steps

  • Scholars who walk home will be crossed by a PG crossing guard

*** Parents who drive their children to school, but decide to park on Woodyard rd for drop off and pick-up need to ensure their child is coded by MES as a walker. Additionally, please have a conversation with your child to make it clear, that while they are in the “walker group” you will be picking them up in your vehicle and they should remain at the top of the steps***

Please be reminded that Melwood Elementary School advocates ALL cars enter the lot and follow our Car-rider dismissal process.

Car Rider

  • Parents are asked to enter the lot and loop around the parking lot (via the inner loop) to the Flagpole area for both dropoff and pick-up.

  • PLEASE do not let your child out of the car until you are in the “Kiss and Ride” zone (flagpole area)

  • PLEASE do not get out of your vehicle - Kiss your baby goodbye and keep moving.

  • Ensure you stay in the “Car rider” lane - Do not block the BUS LANE

  • Do not get out of your vehicle

  • Display your pick-up number for MES staff

  • Be mindful, during the first few weeks, dismissal may take upto 30 minutes. Please be patient


  • If your child is in AlphaBest, they will be picked up from their classroom by an AlphaBest staff member

  • If your child will not be in AlphaBest on any day, please call the main office -301-599-2500 and inform them of the change in dismissal mode.

Tardy Times / Early Dismissal / Office Phones / Entrance into the building

  • AM Drop-off - Parents, DO NOT drop your child off at school prior to 7:30 AM. Scholars dropped off before this time are not supervised. Safety is our #1 priority. 

  • Scholars arriving in the AM after 8:00 AM will be coded as “tardy”.

  • Late drop-offs - Parents, please ESCORT your child to the school doors

  • Early Dismissal will end at 1:00 PM daily

  • During the dismissal process, the office will be unable to answer calls (1:30 pm - 2:05 pm)

  • Parent entrance into the building will be prohibited during the arrival and dismissal process of scholars. 

  • Parents with concerns should call the school after arrival/dismissal time to speak with a staff member who can assist them. All Melwood staff email addresses are located on our website - Staff - Melwood


SALIDA Etiquetas y códigos de salida

 ** este proceso aún está en curso ya que identificamos el modo de transporte PRINCIPAL de, y por qué es VITAL que complete el formulario anterior **

Cambio en el modo de transporte de salida

Cualquier cambio en la salida de un estudiante debe comunicarse a la dirección principal de Melwood ES oficina inmediatamente. Los practicantes no pueden responder a todos los mensajes del Dojo durante el día de instrucción con respecto a los cambios de salida.

Envíe una nota por escrito a la oficina principal o llame a Melwood al 301-599-2500 en cualquier momento en que su hijo tenga un modo alternativo de salida.

Pasajero de autobús

  • estudiantes que viajan en el autobús escolar deben estar en la parada de autobús asignada al menos 10 minutos antes de la salidasu hora programada

  • Melwood llama a los autobuses de la tarde en el orden en que llegan al lote. Los autobuses se llaman en lotes de 3. 

  • Los estudiantes reciben su número de autobús 3 veces separadas por el intercomunicador para asegurarse de subir al autobús antes de que salga

  • Padres, por favor estén en la parada de autobús de la tarde al menos 10 minutos antes y quédense al menos 15 20 minutos después de la hora de entrega programada de la tarde. PGCPS tiene escasez de autobuses y los autobuses pueden llegar tarde.

  • TODOS los estudiantes de K deben usar un chaleco identificable cuando viajen en el autobús.

  • Los estudiantes K DEBEN ser recogidos en la parada del autobús por un adulto receptor. 

  • Si no hay un adulto que reciba a los estudiantes de K en la parada del autobús, el conductor llevará al niño de regreso a MES.

  • Los estudiantes en el autobús equivocado siempre deben permanecer en el autobús. Dígale a su hijo, si esto sucede alguna vez, PERMANEZCA en el autobús. El conductor los devolverá a MES.

Jinete de furgoneta

  • Llame a Melwood al 301-599-2500 si su estudiante se convierte en un "viajero de Van" a un centro privado de After Care.

  • Los Van Riders son llamados al centro de medios al comienzo del proceso de despido de MES

  • La Sra. McFarland tiene listas para todos los diferentes proveedores de “guarderías”. 

  • La Sra. McFarland acompaña a los pasajeros de camionetas a sus camionetas.

  • están ubicadas en la sección de administración del estacionamiento.


  • identificados como "caminantes" son llamados a la zona escolar al comienzo del proceso de despido de MES.

  • El Sr. Hawkins tiene una lista de todos los estudiantes que figuran como caminantes. 

  • El Sr. Hawkins acompaña a los caminantes por las puertas delanteras y hacia los escalones que conducen a Woodyard Rd.

  • Los estudiantes que son recogidos pueden encontrarse con sus padres en los escalones

  • Los estudiantes que caminan a casa serán cruzados por un guardia de cruce de PG

llevan a sus hijos a la escuela, pero deciden estacionarse en Woodyard rd para dejarlos y recogerlos. quepara asegurarse de que su hijo esté codificado por MES como un andador. Además, tenga una conversación con su hijo para dejar en claro que mientras esté en el "grupo de caminantes", lo recogerá en su vehículo y debe permanecer en la parte superior de los escalones***

Recuerde que La Escuela Primaria Melwood aboga por que TODOS los autos entren al estacionamiento y sigan nuestro proceso de despido de Car-rider.

Viajero en automóvil

  • Se les pide a los padres que ingresen al estacionamiento y den la vuelta al estacionamiento (a través del circuito interior) hasta el área del asta de la bandera para dejar y recoger a los niños.

  • POR FAVOR no deje que su hijo salga del auto hasta que esté en la "Kiss and Ride" (área del asta de la bandera)

  • POR FAVOR, no salga de su vehículo - Dígale adiós a su bebé y siga moviéndose.

  • Asegúrese de permanecer en el carril de "Automóvil" - No bloquee el CARRIL DE AUTOBÚS

  • No salga de su vehículo

  • Muestre su número de recogida para el personal de MES

  • Tenga en cuenta que durante las primeras semanas, la salida puede demorar hasta 30 minutos. Tenga paciencia


  • Si su hijo está en AlphaBest, un miembro del personal de AlphaBest lo recogerá de su salón de clases

  • Si su hijo no estará en AlphaBest algún día, llame a la oficina principal -301-599-2500 e infórmeles del cambio de modalidad de despido.

Tardanzas / Salida temprano / Teléfonos de la oficina / Entrada al edificio Entrega por la

  • mañana - Padres, NO dejen a su hijo en la escuela antes de las 7:30 a. Los estudiantes que se dejan antes de esta hora no son supervisados. La seguridad es nuestra prioridad #1. 

  • Los estudiantes que lleguen a la mañana después de las 8:00 a. m. serán codificados como "tardíos".

  • Entregas tardías - Padres, por favor ACOMPAÑE a su hijo a las puertas de la escuela

  • La salida temprana terminará a la 1:00 p. m. todos los días

  • Durante el proceso de salida, la oficina no podrá responder llamadas (1:30 p. m. - 2:05 p. m.)

  • Padre se prohibirá la entrada al edificio durante el proceso de llegada y salida de los estudiantes. 

  • Los padres que tengan inquietudes deben llamar a la escuela después de la hora de llegada/salida para hablar con un miembro del personal que pueda ayudarlos. Todas las direcciones de correo electrónico del personal de Melwood se encuentran en nuestro sitio web - Personal

Book Bag or Backpack

All scholars should have a book bag or backpack in which to carry books, homework assignments and supplies to and from school. Book bags and backpacks keep scholars prepared for class and keep their materials organized. We ask that backpacks and book bags be checked daily. In addition, books and homework don’t show as much wear and tear if they are protected as they travel to and from school.

Bus Transportation Rules

Bus riders are given a bus assignment and are to ride that bus only to and from school. Scholars should be at the bus stop 5-10 minutes prior to pick up. We encourage parents to monitor students at the bus stop. Children are monitored by the school system once they board the bus. Riding the bus is a privilege and good behavior is required. In order to maintain a safe environment on each bus, the school supports the driver in maintaining safe bus riding habits. Anyone who violates the safety standards will be suspended from the bus.

Responsibility of a Scholar Bus Rider "Don’t Lose Your Riding Privilege" Follow these rules...

  1. Maintain classroom conduct.
  2. Keep all body parts and objects inside the bus.
  3. No cursing or loud talking.
  4. Stay in your seat while bus is in motion.
  5. Do not eat or drink on the bus.
  6. Do not litter or write on the bus.
  7. No pushing, shoving or fighting on or off the bus.
  8. Do not block the aisle with body or objects.
  9. Cooperate with the driver. The driver is in authority on the bus.

Field Trips

Fields trips are to be considered extensions of the classroom experience and are an important part of the education program. Trips require:

  • A fee to cover transportation and the cost of the activity.
  • A signed permission slip.
  • Parents can volunteer to chaperone, as needed, with a valid fingerprint receipt on file.

While on field trips, the Student Code of Conduct is in effect and strict consequences will be adhered to in the event of inappropriate scholar behavior while on a field trip.

School Meals & Free/Reduced Lunch

A child may bring or buy a lunch. Each scholar is issued a PIN code that is linked to his/her lunch account. The PIN code is entered and the cost of lunch, milk etc. is deducted from the account balance. Parents can deposit up to $99.00 at any given time on a scholar’s account. Parents are urged to bring this money into the cafeteria for deposit on an account. The office cannot pay for student lunches. Please visit on the PGCPS Food and Nutrition Services site for meal prices, menus and more.  Register for a My School Bucks account to add funds to your child's school meal account.


The Free and Reduced Meals Program is a federally funded program available to low-income families and some hardship cases. An application will be sent home with your child within the first few days of school. If you
wish to apply, please complete ALL information requested and return to the office. Meeting the guidelines for the free/reduced plan is a requirement of the program. Please call 301-952-6517 if further information is

Apply for Free and Reduced Priced Meals

School Health Room, Nurse, Immunizations and Lavatory Breaks

Visit our Health Room page for information about required immunizations and forms for prescription medications and health services at school.


The Melwood Elementary School has a Registered Nurse (RN). The Health Room is located in the main area of the building and is set up to take care of minor injuries and illnesses. Please make sure you have updated, emergency contact information in the event of a medical emergency. Should your scholar require medication of any kind during the school day, it must be brought to the school nurse, by a parent. Medication cannot be left in the classroom, with the practitioner, or in the scholar’s possession. All medication must be stored with our School Nurse, along with a signed statement from a pediatrician. A Medication Authorization Form must be on file for each individual situation. School personnel may not treat injuries that occurred outside of normal school hours. The nurse provides first aid for inschool sickness and injuries.


Children will not be allowed to attend school if they have not received the proper vaccine(s). Please contact the Prince George’s County Health Department if you require assistance in obtaining the proper vaccinations
for your children. 


Scholars are permitted to use the restrooms at designated times throughout the day. If a scholar has a documented medical condition, the parent should notify the practitioner and our Health Nurse so that the scholar’s needs may be met.


Homework is an extension of learning that took place in the classroom. It provides scholars with opportunities to practice, refine, and apply the skills and strategies presented within the classroom. Homework plays an important piece in the computation of grades in core subjects. All final grades for each week will be outlined
in SchoolMAX. Extensions will not be provided after Friday of each week. Scholars will receive 100% for completion when submitted by the due date, 50% will be given if the assignment is submitted one day late, and a 0% will remain thereafter. 

SchoolMAX Support for Parents and Guardians

Cell Phone/Personal Electronic Device Policy

Parents and scholars should have received written information detailing the PGCPS cell phone policy during the first week of school. These items should be placed in the “off” position and place in their book bag during the school day. Consequences for Misuse of Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs):

  1. First Offense: Practitioner will contact parent/guardian informing of violation and document offense.
  2. Second Offense: Practitioner will contact parent/guardian informing them of the 2nd violation and Administration will be notified. Administration will send home a letter with the scholar of the offense.
  3. Third Offense: Principal/Designee with confiscate the cell phone and/or PED device in accordance with Section IV.C of Administrative Procedure 5132 - Portable Electronic Devices. Cell phone or PED will only be returned to parent/guardian.

Repeated Offenses and Noncompliance with Attempted Confiscation: (a) Scholars committing repeated violations of the Procedure shall be subject to additional disciplinary action consistent with the Student Code of Conduct. (b) Scholars who refuse to comply with a request to turn over their cell phone and/or PED shall be subject to discipline for insubordination and such other disciplinary action consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.

Inappropriate Items for School

Scholars should leave all items at home that are not supportive of the educational process. Teachers and administrators will contact parents of scholars who bring these inappropriate items on school property. This includes toys, games, electronic items, candy etc. If items are confiscated, a parent or guardian must come to the school to pick up.

Parent Roles & Responsibilities and Parent Concerns


  • Provide a quiet place for your child to study each evening.
  • Encourage your child to complete homework every day.
  • Check to see that your child does the assigned homework.
  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.
  • Spend 15 to 30 minutes per day reading with your child.
  • Try to schedule out-of-school appointments after school hours or on days when we are out of school. (School calendar provided.)
  • Please make sure your child arrives to school on time every day.
  • High tardiness and absenteeism rates lead to poor academic achievement.


Parents who have questions or concerns regarding their child’s education are urged to contact the appropriate school personnel. The classroom practitioner should be the first person contacted regarding the concern. If a solution is not reached, parents can contact the Professional School Counselor, Assistant Principal and then the Principal for additional assistance. More specific information about who to contact can be found on our First Responders page. In the event that the staff at Melwood Elementary School cannot answer your questions to your satisfaction, we will assist you with contacting the appropriate personnel at a higher administrative level. All decisions made at the school are made in the best interest of the scholars.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Melwood Elementary School has a Parent Teacher Association. This organization provides opportunities for parents, teachers and administrators to work together on various school-related programs. General PTA meetings will be scheduled for the year at the beginning of the school year. Please visit our website for additional information or email the PTA at

Playground Safety

Our school is equipped with playground equipment for scholars’ use during adult supervised recess and physical education. The outdoor space is set up for primary and intermediate scholars. Scholars will be instructed to use the specific equipment that has been designated for that grade level. Safe play and adherence to all safety rules is the responsibility of all scholars. In the event of inclement weather, recess will be held indoors where scholars will engage in quiet games and activities.

ParentVUE Family Portal

Prince George's County Public Schools provides an online student information system (SIS).  Authorized caretakers can register and access this system from any computer with an Internet connection and view the child's student information, including current attendance records and assignment scores.

Melwood’s SIS Codes:
PC- Parent Connect (via Telephone)
PM-Phone Message
ABN- Agenda Book Notice
L- Late (Assignment Submitted Late)

Please use the links below to access the SIS or for helpful information if you are having difficulty registering.

School Planning & Management Team (SPMT)

The School Planning and Management Team (SPMT) is a unified committee of practitioners, support staff, parents, and administrators who share in the governance and management of school wide activities and programs. This team provides an opportunity for key stake holders to come together to create and plan both short and long term programs, solve problems and evaluate results in a “no-fault” atmosphere. If you are interested in being a part of this powerful team, please call the school at 301-599-2500.

Testing Program


Our school system provides a countywide testing program that consists of tests given throughout the year. These assessments are administered to assess how the programs, offered within the county and school, are meeting the needs of the Melwood scholars. The list of assessments includes the following:

  • Otis Lennon School Ability Test: administered to scholars in Grade 1 (October) and Grade 3 (November) for identification into the Talented and Gifted Program.
  • WIDA Access: administered to our ESOL population in the Spring.
  • Unit Pre/Post Assessments: administered quarterly in math and reading in order to measure Melwood scholar’s level of mastery of taught skills and concepts.
  • Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program: administered to scholars in grades 3-5 (Math & Reading) in March & April
  • FAST Science: administered to grade 5 scholars in November and January.
  • MISA Science: administered to grade 5 scholars in April.
  • Measure of Academic Progress (MAP-R): administered August, January and May.

Information will be shared throughout the school year on upcoming tests.

Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy for Primary Grades K - 2


white-polo-shirt.jpg Pants-navy-blue.jpgshorts-navy-blue.jpgnavy-skirt.jpg


  • white long or short sleeved
  • oxford, polo or turtleneck shirts only
  • navy blue cardigan or pullover sweater
  • t-shirts are not permitted as uniform shirts
  • shirts must be tucked in


  • navy blue v style/plain jumper/wrap skirt/skort/slacks/plain pants (blue shorts worn underneath skirts)
  • cargo pants are not permitted


  • black belts
  • white or navy blue socks (no additional colors are allowed)
  • white or navy blue tights (no patterns or additional colors)



  • blanco largo o corto solo camisas oxford, polo o cuello alto
  • cárdigan azul marino o jersey
  • las camisetas no están permitidas como camisas de uniforme
  • las camisas deben estar metidas

Pantalones/Pantalones cortos

  • azul marino v estilo / jersey liso / falda envolvente / skort /
  • pantalones / pantalones lisos (pantalones cortos azules usados debajo de las faldas)
  • no se permiten pantalones cargo


  • cinturones negros
  • calcetines blancos o azul marino (no se permiten colores adicionales)
  • medias blancas o azul marino (sin patrones ni colores adicionales) 

Uniform Policy for Intermediate Grades 3-5




  • red long or short sleeved
  • oxford, polo or turtleneck shirts only
  • red cardigan or pullover sweater
  • t-shirts are not permitted as uniform shirts
  • shirts must be tucked in


  • khaki v style/plain jumper/wrap
  • skirt/skort/slacks/plain pants
  • (black shorts worn underneath skirts)
  • cargo pants are not permitted


  • black belts
  • white or red socks (no additional colors are allowed)
  • white or red tights (no patterns or additional colors)



  • rojo largo o corto mangado
  • solo camisas oxford, polo o cuello alto
  • cárdigan rojo o jersey
  • las camisetas no están permitidas como camisas de uniforme
  • las camisas deben estar metidas

Pantalones/Pantalones cortos

  • estilo caqui v / jersey liso / envoltura
  • falda/skort/pantalones/pantalones lisos (pantalones cortos negros usados debajo de las faldas)
  • no se permiten pantalones cargo


  • cinturones negros
  • calcetines blancos o rojos (no se permiten colores adicionales)
  • medias blancas o rojas (sin patrones ni colores adicionales)

Visiting, Volunteering & Mentoring


All visitors are required to report first to the office, show photo ID, sign in, and receive a pass. Parents are not to conference with teachers during class time, as this disrupts instructional time. If you wish to speak with a teacher, please schedule an appointment to conference at a mutually convenient time.


Volunteers and mentors help provide a quality education for all scholars. If you are interested in becoming a school volunteer, please contact Mrs. Gore, our Administrative Assistant. After ensuring a valid fingerprint receipt is on file, your interest and involvement will be greatly appreciated.

Withdrawal/Transfer of Students

If you move outside of The Melwood Elementary School’s boundary, please call the school at least three days prior to your move at 301-599-2500. This will ensure that your child will have a transfer card to take to the new school. Before receiving the transfer card, it will be necessary to clear up any textbook, library book, or other debt responsibilities. Make sure you leave your new mailing address with the Registrar. If the school becomes aware of a change of address, the school may withdraw the child until proper documentation is presented.