What is a school counselor?
School counselors work with parents, school staff, and the community to help all children achieve academic and social-emotional success. They provide education, prevention, and early intervention through a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program. All direct and indirect services are provided through academic, personal/social, and career development, which are designed by the American School Counseling Association standards.
My Mission Statement: To develop a foundation for students to learn, grow, and be appropriately social in and out of a school environment. My goal is to provide students with support and resources on a proactive basis as opposed to being reactive as they need to be college, career, and community ready.
Students, I am here to help you...
Teacher/Parent referred or self-referred
Short term; over 6 weeks time
Small Group Counseling
Focused on specific, common topic
Short term; over 6 weeks time
Classroom Guidance
Weekly whole group classroom lessons
Lessons are based on monthly counseling themes
Can be need based as well
To assist us with these goals, we utilize the professional skills of
our professional school counselor
Mr. Marcus Jones.