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Lions Athletics


“The Other Side of Education”

Athletics is a way to achieve a balanced educational program for our students. Athletic competition contributes to greater student awareness of self-discipline, a growth in emotional maturity, and an increasing realization of the worth of the individual. Students learn that participation in athletics is not only a privilege, but is also an honor that requires responsibility for maintaining one’s academic standing in the classroom and for maintaining a high standard of conduct.

Athletic Director

Ayanna Ball-Ward
Extension: 84013


Largo Athletic Teams

Yearlong Sports

  • Corollary Sports
  • Track & Field
  • Cheerleading

Fall Sports

  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball

Winter Sports

  • Wrestling
  • Basketball
  • Swimming

Spring Sports

  • Tennis
  • Lacrosse
  • Softball
  • Baseball

Eligibility Requirements

There are academic requirements for participation in sports. Student grades are calculated and reported as four quarters throughout the school year. The minimum grade-point average (GPA) for extracurricular activities is 2.0. Eligibility for the fall sports season and extracurricular activities will be based on a student’s fourth quarter GPA at the end of the prior school year.

Incoming 9th graders are automatically eligible to participate in the fall sports season. 

Register for Sports

All high school student athletes must register and be approved to participate in athletics by the school's athletic director each school year. You must have a current sports physical and complete the Medical Card for Athlete to upload to the registration portal. Sports physicals are current for one calendar year.

NCAA Eligibility Center

High school students who are considering a continuation of their athletic careers at college or university should review all NCAA Eligibility requirements as they select their high school courses. This should start in Grade 9. Only certain pre-approved courses will meet the NCAA requirements.

These resources, plus additional information will be found at the above location:

Want to play college sports?

NCAA Division 1

NCAA Division 2

NCAA Division 3


Non-English Language Resources for Future Student-Athletes

NCAA Division 1 Initial-Eligibility Academic Requirements (Beginning August 1, 2016)

The MPSSAA launched College Eligibility & Recruiting Webinars in the fall of 2012. 

These may be accessed at:

In addition the NFHS developed a free course on NCAA Eligibility. 

This course may be accessed at:

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