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Health Center


Professional School Nurse

Ja'Naye Jordan


(301) 808-8880 Ext. 84007



Here at Largo High School our professional school nurse bridges the gap between health, wellness, and learning. The services provided are evidence-based practices that promote optimal health necessary for academic success of all our students.

Goals of the PGCPS Health Services Department

  • To employ highly qualified well-educated professional nurses 
  • To assure compliance with federal and state health mandates 
  • To assist students to manage chronic and acute health conditions 
  • To provide strategies for the delivery of health education to students, staff, and visitors 
  • To promote healthy choices and lifestyles for students and their families 
  • To identify health related barriers to learning and make appropriate school and/or community referrals 
  • To strengthen community partnerships that facilitate student access to quality health care