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World Languages


At Largo High School we offer Spanish and French as a part of our World Languages Program. Throughout Prince George’s County twelve (12) languages are offered. They are French, German, Italian, Latin, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, American Sign Language, Korean and Portuguese. Students may take four levels in eight languages, up to seven levels in French and Spanish, and five levels in German, Japanese, Latin, Italian and Russian. Advanced Placement may be offered in all high schools. 
The modern foreign language program is committed to objectives that develop communication skills. Teachers’ focus on the Foreign Language National Standards aligned with Common Core and the 5 C’s: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Grammatical concepts and vocabulary are taught in the context of real life situations as students develop accuracy in communicating. Students are also made aware of the career possibilities open to persons in many fields if they have knowledge and skills in a foreign language. Students are encouraged to speak the target language from the beginning through many student-centered activities.



Last Name
First Name
Phone Extension
Arazoza Mirta Spanish Teacher / World Language Chairperson 84148
Miloudi Aicha French Teacher 84161
Shaw Cordel Spanish Teacher

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