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Department Information

Course Offerings

The Largo High School Art Department offers an array of sequential courses that provide each student with an opportunity to explore art production, art history, perceiving and responding, and aesthetic criticism. 

Year-Long Classes

  • Art I 
  • Art II 
  • Drawing & Painting I 
  • Drawing & Painting II 
  • Sculpture I Sculpture II  

Grading Policy

Largo High School Art Department views assessment not as a means for merely retrieving information but as a means for charting students’ intellectual pathways, including their thinking and understanding. We approach art as a series of teachable skills, allowing each student an opportunity to achieve success. Both process and product will be utilized to determine the students’ grades. Students will be evaluated using the following factors:

  • Process (Skill Development) Class Participation - Daily progress grades & studio - 25% Time on task Attendance Co-operation Care of supplies and equipment Proper materials for classwork
  • Notebook/Sketchbook/Journal/Practice/Homework - 25%
  • Product (Skill Measurement) - 50% Major Projects/Critiques/Research Papers/Tests/Quizzes

Evaluation Methods or Assessments

Constructive critiques of class work; making students aware of strengths & weaknesses Individualized verbal communication Tests/Quizzes/Exams/Demonstrations/Critiques/Research Presentations (written, oral or practical)


Last Name First Name Position Phone Extension Email    
Poole Valerie Teacher / Department Chairperson 84082 / 84106 Teacher / Department Chairperson Fine Arts Department
Newby Monta Teacher 84097 Classroom Teacher Fine Arts Department

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