Download the JRRES Parent/Student Handbook
The vision of James Ryder Randall Elementary is to create a sense of community where students feel safe to learn and stakeholders are involved to support student academic success.
The mission at James Ryder Randall Elementary is to create a positive climate that recognizes
successes that impact teaching and learning while remaining connected to parents to promote
student academic growth.
Students may enter the building at 7:30 a.m.
We request that parents follow the guidelines and procedures below in an effort to keep a positive working relationship between home and school.
NOTE: Please remember that Back-To-School Night is an opportunity for parents to acquaint themselves with the instructional program and procedures of their child’s classroom. Parent-teacher conferences will not be held during
Back-to-School Night. Parents are encouraged to call their child’s teacher to schedule a time for a conference if needed.
1. No student should report to school prior to 9:15 a.m. as there is no supervision for his/her safety prior to that time.
2. Students should line up in front of the school and enter through the main entrance doors. It is very important for all students to arrive on time each day.
3. All students are permitted to enter the building at 9:15 am to participate in the Free Breakfast in the Classroom Program and students are to report directly to the classroom.
4. Students should be seated and ready for instruction at 9:30 a.m.
5. Parents are encouraged to allow their children to enter the building independently.
6. All non-bus riding students arriving at school after 9:30 am should be escorted by a parent to the main door to receive a tardy pass.
7. Walkers should stay on the sidewalk and follow the directions of school personnel.
8. Walkers will enter the building through the main doors.
1. Parents should follow the following procedures when dropping their scholar(s) off in the mornings.
2. Parents will pull into James Ryder Randall parking lot and proceed to the staff parking lot in the rear of the school.
3. Parents should then loop around the staff parking lot and proceed to the walkway located before the temporary buildings.
4. Students will exit/enter the vehicles at this location. Parents remain in the car at all times.
5. Students will enter the building through the side door near the gym
6. Parents should follow the direction of the staff members.
7. Parents should not exit their vehicle.
8. Once the student has exited the vehicle, parents may proceed and the next car will pull up.
9. Parents will use the same location to enter/exit James Ryder Randall Elementary.
Afternoon announcements begin at 3:40pm, before students are dismissed.
School bus transportation is provided for many students at James Ryder Randall. A student is to ride the bus to which he/she is assigned. Students must ride their assigned bus unless they have a written note signed by the parent and approved by the school office. Riding a different bus for whatever reason will have to be approved. Approval will be granted only if there is space available. The Transportation Office schedules bus stops and bus routes. You will receive a bus routing schedule for your child.
School bus transportation is defined as the entitlement of a student to ride a school bus, without cost, to and from school in accordance with the Public Laws of the State of Maryland. It must be understood that transportation is provided only for those students who exercise the following responsibilities:
If a child fails to follow the bus procedures, his or her bus privileges may be suspended or denied. Parents will be responsible for providing bus transportation to and from school for the designated time period a child is suspended from the bus.
Parents, please talk with your children about cell phone use during the school day. Cell phones are to be used only in coordination with instruction and per PGCPS cell phone policy.
The James Ryder Randall Elementary School Uniform Committee (Committee) has formulated the student dress policy for James Ryder Randall Elementary School in accordance to the Prince George’s County Public Schools System Wide Dress Code for Students (Policy 5152). Uniforms can be purchased from any department stores, discount stores, and local uniform shops. Students are expected to dress appropriately in the school uniform each day (Monday through Friday). Students must adhere to this policy with no exception. The mandatory uniform policy is as follows: The benefits of adopting this Policy ranges from improved academic performance to enhanced security for our children:
1. Enables the student to focus on schoolwork and reduce peer pressure and distractions.
2. Reduces disciplinary actions that result in conflict that occurs as a result of competition about clothing.
3. Reduces cost for school clothes and eliminates the hassle each day for what to wear.
4. Enhances Security – Security officials can quickly recognize those who do not belong on campus.
Student Breakfast: FREE; Elementary Lunch: FREE; Adult Lunch: $3.50. Students must pay for à la carte items.
Monthly breakfast and lunch menus are online at
A trained Registered Nurse provides health services in our school. This means that certain medical procedures are beyond the capabilities of our nurse. Please do not send sick children to school. Children who get sick at school will need to be picked up by the parents and taken home.
The importance of regular attendance cannot be over emphasized, however, students should not be sent to school when they are ill. If a student becomes ill during the school day and it appears that they would be JRRESt cared for at home, a parent will be contacted to pick the student up. Those sent home with fever, vomiting or diarrhea should not return to school until they have been free of each symptom for 24 hours. School administration and the school nurse must be notified of any student’s chronic illness (i.e. asthma, diabetes, heart conditions or seizures) or new diagnosis. This heightens awareness in case of emergency. Please keep the school informed of phone number changes and emergency contact information.
The Procedures listed below will be followed for an injured student:
1. Teachers will send the student to the nurse’s office if the injury is minor.
2. Teachers will notify the nurse’s office if the student is unable to be moved.
3. Trained personnel will administer basic first aid.
4. The parent (s) will be called and the injury described. For a minor injury, the parent will make the decision about removing the student from the school. Emergency contact persons will be called if the parent cannot be reached.
5. The paramedics will be called for critical injuries that require the type of care that school personnel cannot offer and the parent or emergency contact will be notified.
6. An accident report will be completed and filed for every accident.
Medicines, including over-the-counter ones, are forbidden in school. If it becomes absolutely necessary that a child takes medicine while he/she is in school the parent must provide a signed Physician’s Authorization Form for medicine to the school nurse along with the labeled medication. The label must match the form signed by the child’s physician. This form can be obtained through the Prince George's County Public Schools website at via Health Services or from the school nurse. All medications are secured and will only be administered by the school nurse or the Certified Medication Technician.
Daily attendance is critical for your child to achieve his or her highest potential. It is our goal to work together with the parents, to ensure your child attends school on a daily basis. The State of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful absences from school: death in the immediate family, illness of the student, quarantine, court summons, tornado or hurricane, religious holiday or a state of emergency. Students with excused absences are allowed to make up work and receive credit for doing so.
Being punctual to school is important. It is critical that students be on time each morning. When the tardy bell rings, students and teachers are to be in class ready to learn. Students arriving late to school are required to obtain a late pass before being admitted to any classroom.
PLEASE NOTE: Family trips are not considered as excused absences. Teachers are not required to provide make-up work for unexcused absences. Per the county attendance policy, students shall receive a zero for any day(s) of unexcused absences, which will be averaged with other daily grades. Upon returning to school from an absence, a child is required to bring a note from the parent stating the reason for the absence. This note is given to the classroom teacher. Students who have unexcused absences or who are frequently tardy will be referred to our School Instructional Team and to the Pupil Personnel Worker for PGCPS.
Absence Notification click HERE.
In an effort to have a safe and orderly learning environment, a school-wide discipline plan is established. The title of the plan is “Mustangs P.R.I.D.E.” It includes incentives and consequences for behavior. The acronym P.R.I.D.E. has specific meaning for each letter. Parents we thank you in advance for your support in addressing school concerns with your child.
The standard disciplinary procedure is below:
Verbal Warning (Student reflection form)
At this level, the teacher sets aside time to talk with the student regarding his/her behavior. This time could be before or after a transition to another subject or between group rotation. The purpose of this conference is to aid the student in developing appropriate attitudes and behaviors in the classroom. It is important that during the course of the conference the teacher explains to students that this is the first step of a multi-level process for dealing with inappropriate behavior. A consequence could be to change the student’s color or to move him / her away from the other students for a short time.
Out of class consequences (Note: All actions in level 3 or higher require a reflection form and a call home to the parents and/or parent meeting.)
The key element at this stage is enlisting the support of the parents in bringing about behavior change through a telephone call home. Teachers will contact parents using numbers from School Max. A consequence could be to have the student participate in a time-out in your partner’s classroom, partial recess loss or entire loss of recess.
In House referral to Administration (Note: All actions in this level or higher require a reflection form and a
call home to the parents, parent meeting and/or a parent shadow.)
If a problem persists in the classroom, the teacher may reach out to Administration for support. At this time a parent meeting will be scheduled and a behavior modification plan may need to be implemented for daily use for the child. The team to include the teacher, counselor, school instructional team chair, and administration will work with the parent in construction of this plan. At this time it may be appropriate to have a student referred to the School Counselor for behavioral intervention or one-on-one meetings. A consequence could be to have the student participate in a morning or after school detention.
Official PS74
When it becomes apparent that the strategies developed are not resulting in a change of behavior, it is necessary to submit it to an administrator. The administrator has several options varying from a student conference with parent
to suspension.
In the James Ryder Randall Family, we believe that the best approach to discipline is one that is both proactive and preventive. The focus of school discipline is to promote success and to encourage self-discipline and a caring, compassionate school environment. It is our responsibility to clearly communicate expectations for our children. Teachers will review school rules and procedures during the first week of school and periodically throughout the school year. We will follow the Students Rights and Responsibility Handbook for behavior concerns. No Tolerance Policy Regarding Bullying We want children to understand that although the put-down humor may be very funny on TV or in the movies, this humor always comes at someone’s expense. Simply stated, teasing hurts. We want every child to be treated with kindness and compassion at all times. Therefore, we will have a no tolerance policy towards all bullying, teasing, or “jone-ing” at James Ryder Randall.
Parental Support:
On a daily basis, please:
Homework is a reinforcement of the school instructional program and should be completed by the assigned date. If, for any reason, a student is “legally” absent from school, it is his/her responsibility to make up all work missed.
Fingerprinting and Background Office
We hope that many of our parents will take time from their busy schedules to help at school at least once or twice each school year. We welcome you as a volunteer in many aspects of the school, such as the classroom, media center, lunchroom, recess and/or field trips. If you are unable to help during the day, perhaps you can help by doing things at home or in the office to support the activities of the classroom. Volunteers are reminded to sign the volunteer roster in the main office before reporting to the designated location. Our PTO will contact you at various times during the school year to ask you to volunteer or to donate items for school events/celebrations.
Birthday Parties at James Ryder Randall
Our first priority at James Ryder Randall Elementary School is to keep the focus on education and learning. We do everything possible to minimize disruptions and distractions during the school day. However, birthday snacks are allowed at the end of the day. They must follow the guidelines below:
Visiting the School
Parent Community Advisory Council
We encourage every parent to participate in the PCAC at James Ryder Randall. Your participation is one of the reasons James Ryder Randall is such a great school. Please sign up for membership in our PCAC. Click HERE to join.
Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers and Visitors
We are pleased to release the PGCPS Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers, and Visitors that applies to all who interact with schools and offices in Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS). It also applies to those who are present at school, in person or virtually, and school-sponsored activities, meetings, and/or functions during and outside of school hours. In order to maintain an orderly, respectful and secure educational environment for students and staff, it is essential that families and visitors are aware of their responsibilities. Penalties for lack of adherence to this Code of Conduct are outlined in the link below.
Thank you for your partnership!